Selamat Menyambut Aidilfitri

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 Posted by Dils
I think the sign of growing up, one of them is you no longer as excited to celebrate raya as in kedatangan Ramadhan. Which of course, should be a sign you are maturing. 

This Ramadhan had been a good month. I may had not done as much as ibadah as I would like to, but I hope God give me chances for me to make more efforts in the next year and the next year and so on. I am always sad when Raya come in. This Raya I would not be going to my father grave as usual. That makes me a little sad and I forgot to visit the grave the last visit home during puasa. I always had in my imagination that he would be happy to meet us there during the end of Ramadhan when we came for our visit.

Sad paragraph aside, it is time to rejoice. Maybe no longer for us, and for many of my friends for their children. Yoda and I (separately of course) will be celebrating raya at Sarawak this year for the first time! Yoda raya ketiga yek? Ke ko dah pergi sebelom ni? So maybe both of us will update about that after we're back from Raya. And I am also informing next Tuesday I am out again, sebab tadek di Semenanjung. Malas blogging. Unless I found a komputer. And an internet connection. Shit. Sementara system tengah down and masa tengah banyak baik bayar bil. Bile dah habis raya and nak bayar bil, mesti sakit nyawa. 

Again, selamat menyambut Aidilfitri. I mintak maaf to people all around me for ape-apelah. Malas pikir. Later.
  1. Yep raya ke-3... 1st time raya di Sarawak... kalo Some kt Kuching bole laa kita visit2 tapi Bintulu (kan?) mcm jauhss hehe

    Dunno bout 'lagi meriah' or whatnot... a new experience for me... azam raya di Sawarak, minimumkan minum air berkarbonat hahahaha

  2. xde pun update pasal raya di sarawak? :p