Music to my ears

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 Posted by Dils
Sebab bulan puasa, koser ke korang nak baca post panjang-panjang ni?

I am being completely boring and gonna bore you with music. More specifically music I listened to while at work. And those music are not cool according to the American Billboard Top 40.

   Currently Bach and Beethoven. Before this, my favorite was Beethoven. Beethoven music is always so grand. It comes to mind a many of splendoured things. It brings you the feeling at the height of joys (e.g. Ode to Joy) and the very depth of despair (e.g. Egmont Overture). 
   While Bach, I had always been a bit dismissive towards it, feeling it too mellow. But then as I learned the violin and listened more and more to Bach I noticed that his music is genius. How can I review classical music since I know so little? So what I can do instead is tell you what I feel when I hear them. Bach is mellow but he does wonder even with the simplest of tune, evoking feeling of calm and serenity.  Personal favorite is the Bradenburg Concerto No. 3. I think I like it because it played a lot of scales, which I had always love.

   Am just about to appreciate ragtime ever since I downloaded Scott Joplin - Bethena A Concert Waltz. And to think I did not realize before this that The Entertainer was composed by him. Huh.

  Edith Piaf
   I love her ever since watching La Vie En Rose. Marion Cotillard in that movie is astounding. My favorite song is No Mercy ( its in English) and coming second is the now more famous Non Je Ne Regrette Rien.

Those three are the only songs I can stand listening to while doing work. Mostly because there's no lyric for me to get distracted and daydream or in the French songs case, I don't understand it so I am not distracted while at the same time I can stop for a while and appreciate the music.

Contrary to the music above, whenever I am cleaning or doing chores, the music I cranked up to is
  • - Radiohead (specifically OK Computer album)
  • - Garbage
  • - N Sync (say what you like, but upbeat music does help and I think N Sync got pretty good catchy songs for a boy band)
  • - Britney Spears (same as above.)
  • - And when I felt like it, The Phantom of the Opera. Felt like I had gone through the whole musical again just by listening through it. 

And occasionally some other upbeat songs in the mp3 list. Which does not amount to many, but pointless to list it out. (Macam the whole list ni ade point?)

So what's your listening pleasure for a specific task?