Ramadhan coming.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 Posted by Dils
Tomorrow in fact ( If the anak bulan is ever so kind to make an appearance). Can you believe that time is going so fast nowadays. 

I don't have any wise word regarding the Ramadhan month. So in fact I'll just jot down some things from my memory regarding my past puasa experiences during my childhood. 

Because I am feeling very woozy, I couldn't be arsed to gather my disjointed memory in a more orderly manner. Let see it in random. 

1. I couldn't remembered exactly what year of age I started puasa. But I remembered the year I puasa full. Actually come to think of it, I never puasa full because my period started early ( I was in standard 5). Hoh! 

2. My mom rarely have any rice and lauk dishes untuk berbuka puasa. The standard fare is something like a 3 course meal. Sup or bubur for starter. Then some mee/makaroni/murtabak/etc for main, then kuih muih for the last. Rice is for sahur. 

3. Drinks is always, cincau or homemade mata kucing. Awesome. Sometimes when my mom had finished her stocks of mata kucing and cincau jelly, then various cordial drinks. 

4.Dulu remembered that the kakak-kakak at my tempat mengaji mana yang tak boleh puasa, will buy ice cream and sneaked at the back of the rumah makcik ajar ngaji tu and eat their ice cream Malaysia. Sometimes I joined them. Ini adalah sebelum 'kena seruan'.

5. I remembered my ustazah (Ko ingat Nai?) made a snide remarks about those who went to terawikh together-together with their boyfriends. Aku lupa la nama Ustazah tu.

6. I remembered berpuasa time sekolah is fine enough, but then we continue on to sekolah agama. Time sekolah agama sume muka sudah haggard.

7. My brother and I love air kathira. Kinda like Johor punye specialty drink. But my mom rarely let us buy them because long time ago there was a air kathira scare (some seller didn't boil their contaminated water I think) and many people get sick. The same reason why we never ate siput sedut at Kelantan. So if we bought one, my mom would be like "If you get sick, don't expect any sympathy from me".

8. Most of the family are not big on lagu raya. I particularly dislike it. So don't expect me to give support to anyone who think blaring out loud lagu raya at the office is awesome and give a celebration feel atmosphere. You know what my grandfather used to play? Lagu gelek dari Arab. I like that moar. 

So, so far that is the totally random memory of the bulan puasa month. 

Selamat Berpuasa and Have a good Ramadhan to y'all!

  1. dz

    dila dear, ustazah kolah mana ye..sekolah agama or sekolah menengah?sekolah menengah ada ramai gak yg paling ingat ustazah azura (sebab suka ponteng kelas seni cikgu khar konon2 nk g pafa ngan ustazah tu.pdhal pafa da lama settle)ko ingat laie tak cikgu khar???hahaha..

    sekolah agama laie la ramai..paling ingat ustazah shariah(kot nama dia..dia agak seksi sket dalam ramai2 ustazah sekolah tu..haha) cz dia ajar kita darjah 5 n darjah 6

  2. dz

    dila dear, ustazah kolah mana ye..sekolah agama or sekolah menengah?sekolah menengah ada ramai gak yg paling ingat ustazah azura (sebab suka ponteng kelas seni cikgu khar konon2 nk g pafa ngan ustazah tu.pdhal pafa da lama settle)ko ingat laie tak cikgu khar???hahaha..

    sekolah agama laie la ramai..paling ingat ustazah shariah(kot nama dia..dia agak seksi sket dalam ramai2 ustazah sekolah tu..haha) cz dia ajar kita darjah 5 n darjah 6

  3. dz

    alamak terpost 2 kali..cet2

  4. Hehehe... Takpe.

    Ohhhh.. aku rase sampai mati aku takkan lupa Cikgu Khar tu. Perghhhh... (nak mencarut tapi bln pose so aku abaikan)

    Ustazah yang aku mention tu Ustazah Shariah la.. Sampai sekarang aku ingat pencil box clear besa die tu and jam Baby G die.

  5. slamat berpuasa to you too Dila!