#001 - Monday Blues

Monday, March 15, 2010 Posted by Unta@Jitra
About Me

- Been blogging for the past 3-4 years, averaging around 1 post per month :D
- Forex trader by day, a lovely and caring husband by night (the role can be switched around).
- Author of Monochromatic Stains, personal blog, 'rojak' theme.
- Will post mainly related to self-employed work, including some tips on how to make some side income. Or maybe some music as well.
- Loves Ramly Burger and hates answering phone from unknown number.

Post #001 - Monday Blues

Hate Monday Blues? No, I don't but maybe you do lol. And no, that is not a blues band. Hating to wake up on Monday morning is a norm, unless that Monday happened to be a public holiday. Why? Because PROCRASTINATION that's why. You eagerly leave all the work on Friday, getting ready for the coming 2 days of relaxing known as Weekends, and having the 'Oh shit' moment on Monday morning.

How to beat that hateful weekly tragedy? There are some tips by googling, but for those without the ability to hit that url, I'm sharing some.

1) Sleep in some extra hour/minutes on Monday mornings. If you're in the case of 'WTF I HAVE TO WAKE UP AT 7AM NO COMPROMISE OR ELSE TRAFFIC JAMS / PACKED LRT / whatnot', try packing everything on Sunday nights (docs, lappy) so that you can steal some minutes of sleep.

2) Hop out of bed and straight to the shower! No point pulling up your blanket, Monday exists no matter how hard you try to deny that.

3) Pull the curtains and enjoy morning sunlight. It can help reset your body clock for the rest of the week.

4) Exercise or coffee or both. Endorphins from exercise and caffeine from coffee are feel good 'drugs' for mornings.

5) Anticipate your Monday morning on Friday afternoon. Fight the temptation to race away from a messy desk. Clean up your desk and leave yourself a to-do list to make Monday morning a little more tolerable.

You're not the only one having this illness on Monday morning. There are millions out there feeling the same, including your boss. Try to think of something good that will happen at work later, and it maybe lift your mood a bit.

A cute girl treatment for your Monday morning sickness (not 'that' sickness)

Credit : ehow.com
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  1. welcome comrade. wah...i have sunday blues only which make it harder to shake cause obviously nobody work on sunday except this part of malaysia. :)

  2. Anonymous

    huriaaaa~~ :D

    the girl is a killer. OMNOMNOMNOM~

  3. urghh nak bangun awal di monday morning adalah sgt not fun!