Make Up Entry #2: Kesetanan Lagenda Budak Setan
Friday, June 25, 2010

I watched Lagenda Budak Setan last weekend. Having read the novel, my expectation couldn't be any lower. Come on man, it's like fantasy become reality. It's like for long watching porn and suddenly found out that you'll be in one. Ok...bad analogy but you get what I mean.
But ended up, I'm hugely disappointed by the facts as followed:-
Disclaimer: Spoiler alert. Writing in point form easier.
Disappointment Indicator (DI): 1 for no disappointment at all and 10 for WTF is this stuff doing here?
1) The setup was in college instead of high school. The college setup was unreal, it's more like college that didn't passed LAN (Lembaga Akreditasi Negara) or fake college. DI: 5
2) The vice chancellor talks with Kasyah at the corridor. One of WTF moment. FFS, do some research on how college should look like. Malay movies always make college and university student look retarded. DI: 10
3) The chemistry between Farid Kamil & Lisa Surihani. Another WTF moment. They look stupid together. Some might say that they look good together in I'm Not Single but not in Lagenda Budak Setan. DI: 8
4) Fazura was Katerina when I'm expecting her to be Amelia/Ayu. Marah sungguh. I'm freaking pissed when I realized that. DI: 10
5) However, Fazura acting looks more lively and genuine. Heck, she could act. Girl should be given more screen time. I love Fazura's acting, she had grown gracefully in her acting career. I love it! DI: -1
6) The prank (2 pranks only, WTF!) was half-asses done. Kasyah definitely not live up to "Budak Setan" title that he earned. DI: 7
7) They called Cikgu Loga. This is college, you don't call your lecturer as "Cikgu". Do you want to setup it as college or high school? Wrap your mind around it, Mr Director. DI: 9
8) What kind of college (I think a fake one at that) would allowed research grant to an undergraduate art student going away alone to remote area for a long time? Do your homework la, Production Team. Attention to details, please. Don't treat your audience like fools. DI: 10
9) Who-is-she, Amelia/Ayu is a tunggul kayu. She can't act to save her life. She shouldn't bare this huge of responsibility and shattered by imagination on how Amelia/Ayu look like. And she's not even pretty. Raja Farah could nail the role as Amelia/Ayu better than her. DI: 10
10) Kasyah should be very messy and distorted when he met with Amelia for the first time. Farid Kamil barely shows emotion and like tunggul kayu. He should lose weight also. Wasn't convincing at all that Kasyah was suffering from Ayu's marriage. DI: 7
11) Que Haidar as Azmi is great. He's violence and revengeful. Just a bit sissy at times though it does fit with his character. I loike it. DI: -1
There are few more details that should be paid attention by the production team however it's small enough to distract me from writing it here. The accumulation of half-asses work done make me losing faith in adaptation movies produce by Malaysian. When you can't pull things right for such legendary piece of work like Lagenda Budak Setan, it shows how much we're bothering in creating the hype and disappoint the audience rather than genuinely appreciating the value of the masterpiece.
I wasn't expecting it to be 100% according to original piece cause time is the constraint, however doing things right means so much in adapting the piece to silver screen. I could let go that the movie didn't shows side story of Sapi and Kasyah, the evil girls that tag-team with Kasyah and many more small things but even with so many short cut of the storyline, they still couldn't put it right.
I would love to suggest that Malaysian should stop adapting literature masterpiece to silver screen for once and for all but there will be some hasty idiots that will go out their way to offend the masterpiece lover again. In near future.
And I should support Malaysian movies? Come out with more believable things at silver screen and never treat audience like a bunch of fools. Be smart for once.
But ended up, I'm hugely disappointed by the facts as followed:-
Disclaimer: Spoiler alert. Writing in point form easier.
Disappointment Indicator (DI): 1 for no disappointment at all and 10 for WTF is this stuff doing here?
1) The setup was in college instead of high school. The college setup was unreal, it's more like college that didn't passed LAN (Lembaga Akreditasi Negara) or fake college. DI: 5
2) The vice chancellor talks with Kasyah at the corridor. One of WTF moment. FFS, do some research on how college should look like. Malay movies always make college and university student look retarded. DI: 10
3) The chemistry between Farid Kamil & Lisa Surihani. Another WTF moment. They look stupid together. Some might say that they look good together in I'm Not Single but not in Lagenda Budak Setan. DI: 8
4) Fazura was Katerina when I'm expecting her to be Amelia/Ayu. Marah sungguh. I'm freaking pissed when I realized that. DI: 10
5) However, Fazura acting looks more lively and genuine. Heck, she could act. Girl should be given more screen time. I love Fazura's acting, she had grown gracefully in her acting career. I love it! DI: -1
6) The prank (2 pranks only, WTF!) was half-asses done. Kasyah definitely not live up to "Budak Setan" title that he earned. DI: 7
7) They called Cikgu Loga. This is college, you don't call your lecturer as "Cikgu". Do you want to setup it as college or high school? Wrap your mind around it, Mr Director. DI: 9
8) What kind of college (I think a fake one at that) would allowed research grant to an undergraduate art student going away alone to remote area for a long time? Do your homework la, Production Team. Attention to details, please. Don't treat your audience like fools. DI: 10
9) Who-is-she, Amelia/Ayu is a tunggul kayu. She can't act to save her life. She shouldn't bare this huge of responsibility and shattered by imagination on how Amelia/Ayu look like. And she's not even pretty. Raja Farah could nail the role as Amelia/Ayu better than her. DI: 10
10) Kasyah should be very messy and distorted when he met with Amelia for the first time. Farid Kamil barely shows emotion and like tunggul kayu. He should lose weight also. Wasn't convincing at all that Kasyah was suffering from Ayu's marriage. DI: 7
11) Que Haidar as Azmi is great. He's violence and revengeful. Just a bit sissy at times though it does fit with his character. I loike it. DI: -1
There are few more details that should be paid attention by the production team however it's small enough to distract me from writing it here. The accumulation of half-asses work done make me losing faith in adaptation movies produce by Malaysian. When you can't pull things right for such legendary piece of work like Lagenda Budak Setan, it shows how much we're bothering in creating the hype and disappoint the audience rather than genuinely appreciating the value of the masterpiece.
I wasn't expecting it to be 100% according to original piece cause time is the constraint, however doing things right means so much in adapting the piece to silver screen. I could let go that the movie didn't shows side story of Sapi and Kasyah, the evil girls that tag-team with Kasyah and many more small things but even with so many short cut of the storyline, they still couldn't put it right.
I would love to suggest that Malaysian should stop adapting literature masterpiece to silver screen for once and for all but there will be some hasty idiots that will go out their way to offend the masterpiece lover again. In near future.
And I should support Malaysian movies? Come out with more believable things at silver screen and never treat audience like a bunch of fools. Be smart for once.
emo gile No. 2
I watched LBS after watching Letters to Juliet. Beza die macam kalau duduk dlm flight MAS first class kene downgrade g Air Asia dekat ekor kapal terbang. haha
P/s: 1 think tho, thank god diorg cast Fazura as Katerina. At least the movie sequel will have a actress that can actually act.
hahahaha. tau takpe.
spot on betul analogy tu. :D. tu la..hopefully sequel nya akan jadi ok. i loike fazura much.
huhu kirenye tak rugi la kalau tak tengok ni?
nia: xtengok pun takpe. but again, susah nak judge cause ada je orang minat sampai nak mati citer ni. it might be you. :D
haha.. somehow i got the feeling that could be true :p (dan suami di sebelah akan mengcondemn habis2an. huhu)
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