Notes from a writer
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Sup fellas... while waiting to go to Semun... samunjang... SIMUNJAN dunno the correct spelling :D just wanna upload some pics during my Hari Raya.
And yeah, we Sarawakians are still celebrating!
Ahh semua org buat post pasal Bulan Ramadhan... I want to join the bandwagon too (sambil dengan tanpa malu dan segan menghijack post dari Ms. Thursday lol)
Takpe, persetujuan dah ade :)
Anyway, cakap pasal bulan puasa, nombor satu yg teringat dalam kepala mestilaa pasar/bazar Ramadhan. Makanan macam2 jenis, macam2 kaler, macam2 rasa, macam2 bentuk. Mcmmana kita nak tau benda yang kita beli tu sedap ke tidak?
1) Mula2, mestilaa dari tradisi. Sebagai contoh, tiap2 tahun Mee Kari Man laa yang paling sedap di Pasar Ramadhan Jitra. Tahun demi tahun rasa macam tu laa, sedap. Cuma harga sajalah yang berbeza, makin naik hahaha. Sama jugak macam stall yang konfem tak sedap / tak kena dgn selera kita. So dah mark dah yg mana sedap / tak sedap based on tahun2 lepas punya pengalaman.
2) Kepada yang suka makan makanan yang jenis2 ada kuah ni, kena jaga2lah kak long sekalian. Sebagai contoh yang femes, jenis gulai kawah. Kita kena tau tukang jual ni memang tiap2 hari sold out ka, gulai sampai 2-3 kawah. Kalo tak habis, maka slim chance lah dia nak masak yang baru. Takkan nak buang yang lama. Memang kari2 ni lagi lama lagi sedap, tapi kalau recycle sampai seminggu, bole masuk spital dah silap2 keracunan.
3) Macam hari pertama semalam, fuhh semua kedai mcm sold out. Yang mana ada nama / orang ramai queue memang untung lah. Selalunya awal2 puasa ni, better survey lah dulu and mark siap2 kedai mana sedap, kedai mana tak etc. Try tengok beli. Kalau tak sedap, esok jangan cuba2 dah sebab quality kebanyakan kedai makin lama makin turun.
4) Beli sekadar termampu. Memang nafsu kita ni kalau hidu asap ayam percik, bukan main lagi. Rasa macam boleh telan sampai 4-5 ketul. Itu belum masuk popia, murtabak, mee goreng, bihun sup, nasik lagi. Perut manusia ni limited spacenya. Memang afdal sangatlah kalau beli sekadar satu main dish dan sejenis kuih. Air buat sendiri kat rumah. Sahur nanti makan sajalah apa2 biskut ka megi ka. Tak payah nak sedapkan nafsu tu yang kata "Alah kalo tak abis, bole makan time sahur nanti". Itu pon kalo bangun. Kalo tak bangun, masuk peti ais. Lama2 ke tong sampah jugaklah. Jimat cermat.
5) Kalau hampa2 ni kaki makan kat luar, haa booking tu kena awal sikitlah. Jangan seronok sangat nak gamble sebab memang akan full punya segala tempat makan yang ada. Tambah2 plak dengan semangat 1Malaysia ni, semua orang tak kira agama nak jugak dinner time yang sama. Berebut2lah. Kalo miss booking, beli air dan sembahyang Maghrib dulu. Rilek kalo perut tu dah bole tahan 12-13 jam, takkan lagi setengah jam pon nak bising dah.
Ok nanti kita sembang pasal Pre-Raya plak. Selamat meraikan kehadiran Ramadhan dengan beramal seikhlas mungkin.
Twilight Saga | True Blood | Vampire Diaries | |
Location | Fords, Washington (Real town) | Bon Tempts, Louisiana (Fictional town) | Mystic Falls, Virginia (Fictional town) |
The Cast | Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are drool-worthy. No one can resist their vampire and werewolf abs. But, no matter how “I-am-hotter-than-you-Edward” Jacob is still lacking on the charismatic and alluring factor compared to Edward. Yes, I am team Edward! :P Kristen Steward as Bella is okay; pretty enough to be their love interest… beautiful hair but the character has no guts! Sometimes I just wanted to strangle her for leading Jacob on just to hurt him again and again. | Stephen Moyer is not hot enough, okay.. he is not that bad. But seriously, he looks old to be paired with Anna Paquin. The antagonist, Alexander SkarsgĂ„rd on the other hand is superb. Physically, he has everything that a vampire needs. Viking past? Checked! Drink human blood? Checked! Seductive? Double checked! Anna Paquin? Not my cup of tea.. but her acting is convincing. Maybe it was her accent that turned me off from being her fan. | Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert is captivating! Her strong characters add colours to the series and she did seem real. Mind you, she played double character in the series and she made it. Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore compliments Elena’s character well. But, his character reminds me of Edward character. A little bit boring, romantic and heroic character. Ian Somerhalder? *Pengsan* I love his antagonist character and he is exactly what I imagined a vampire will be. Military background? Checked! Drink human blood? Checked! Seductive? Triple checked! |
Diet | Human and animal blood. Human food is yucky to them. | Human blood only. Never saw them consume any human food but they have this True Blood drink to replace the normal blood. | Human and animal blood. Human food is also okay to them. Drink alcohol and coffee to curb their blood craving. Vampire can get intoxicated… like WTF? |
Sunlight Effect | Sparkle sparkle sparkle | Burn, no excuse. | Burn but if they wear a Lapis Lazuri ring they can withstand the sunlight. |
How to be one? | Requires being bitten by a vampire and injected with vampire venom. The venom then works its way through the human body, causing cellular changes throughout the body over usually a three day period. Incredibly painful. | A vampire must drain a human of all their blood, effectively killing that human, and replace it with some of their own blood. The vampire and drained human will then sleep in the ground for two to three nights until the drained human rises as a vampire. | Bitten. Consume vampire blood. Killed while vampire blood was still in their system. Consume vampire blood again. Feed on human to complete the transformation. Too complicated :P |
Vampire Kryptonite | Nothing known | Silver and Garlic | Vervain (herb) |
Gore Factor | Not gore at all | Very, very gore | Moderate |
Physical Build | Crystal, diamond hard body. Cold. Pale and alluring. | Pale but not so alluring (except Eric :P). | Consume alcohol and coffee to keep their temperature high. Can bleed like human. Not pale. |
Other mystical character | Werewolf (shape shifter) | Shapeshifter, witch, maenads, werewolf | Witch |
Wood Effect | What wood? Even bullet can’t past through their diamond hard body. | Will be dead if staked at heart. | Will be dead if staked at heart. |
Invitation to Human House | No invitation needed. Can enter and leave as their heart desire. | Need invitation before enter. | Need invitation before enter. |
Ability | Supernatural strength, speed and senses. Various ability that only a gifted vampire can have. Mind reading, telekinesis, mental attack, tracking, etc… | Supernatural strength, speed and senses. Heal human who drinks their blood. | Supernatural strength, speed and senses. Heal human who drinks their blood. |
Books | I can say that the movie sticks to the books, even to the script. The storyline may need to be altered to fit the movie hours, but as a loyal book reader… I have nothing to complain | I haven't read any complaints from the book reader and I never read one myself, so I guess the storyline is okay.. or they simply doesn't care because the show is good enough for them. Heheh... | Most book reader complains that the TV shows vary too far from the books. Elena should be a blue eyed, blonde and have 4 years old sister (Margaret), not a brunette with a teenage brother (Jeremy). |