Double Delights - Perihal Bola

Saturday, May 29, 2010 Posted by dueng
World Cup 2010 is around the corner. Yes, I bet all the employer and wives in Malaysia having headache what will be coming next 5 weeks. I watched Nasi Lemak Kopi O at TV 9 this morning, the hosts discussing on World Cup 2010 effects on husband-wife relationship. As usual, the most coined argument is how wives need to deal with their husband obsession towards football for 5 weeks. The hosts went on and on discussing wives disturbed by this phenomenon.

Well, I couldn't agree how woman make World Cup such a big deal. It's like what the fuck.

If male could take it how "fast" female get dress, how "short" a window shopping could be every single day..can't female just gulp it down for 5 weeks every 4 years that male obsess with football? I know that not all men really have time to watch football and EPL when they get married or rather they just let it go hence I couldn't find the faulty in be less critical during next 5 weeks for men enjoying themselves with football.

I'm pretty pissed really when woman make it such a big issue of World Cup. Flame on! :D
  1. suami saya tak tengok bola, yay!!

    and tipulah every 4 years je obsessed. Kalau dah obsessed dgn football tu asal ada game je nak tengok. dah lah sepanjang tahun ada ntah berapa banyak league tah.. pastu tiap2 kali ada match nak kene tengok. haihhh~~

    again: suami saya tak tengok bola, yay! :D