Good Musical, Bad Musical
Friday, May 7, 2010
I'm not a musical person. I don't really watch musical per se. I found that most musical pursuing ballads, show music and theatrical kind of music. Those kind of music somehow not my cup of tea though I admit that I did listen to some ballads songs. However, I found that as long as the musical involved rock songs, I could accept it. I guess, it's all goes back to musical preferences. Bad musical is musical that having no rock music. I just can't tolerate it. Good musical need to have rock music. At least that's for me.
So, I found my love to musical bring me close to Glee. The adventure starts when I first listening to a friends music collection that contains musical mash-up of "It's my life" and "Confessions". And I thought, wow...that's cool. Ok, I been listening to "Don't stop believin" by Glee cast but somehow the mash-up get me attracted to Glee.
Another musical based movie that get me running high is Bandslam. Cool! I could see Vanessa Hudgens in different outfit than her High School Musical outfit. Aly Michalka is awesome, the songs selection just brilliant. I could just sing along and love the song. The storyline wasn't as bad as it could go but wasn't a masterpiece either. In overall, it did have few merits that could score point with musical crowd. Hint: The ska and indie crowd might having fun listening to the musical selection.
Now, I'm off to get the new episode of Glee. :P

Now, I'm off to get the new episode of Glee. :P
Aku adalah sangat suke musical, especially musical theatre! Tapi mestilah sore and band tu kena bagus, mcm Chicago that have great jazz band, or Phantom of the Opera yang ade baritone and tenor yang sangat superb.
Cerita juga mesti menarik dan jugak kostum and props mesti bersesuaian dgn harga.
As for Glee, aku rase macam agak meh. In term of delivery , die menyerlah. Die bring forward new ways to capture audience attention, tapi kalo take out the musical elements which sometimes kick ass and sometimes meh, and hanya bergantung pada story telling je and character development. Adalah sangat weak and very annoying. Or maybe aku rase Rachel itu annoying and die hanya suke tumpu pada few characters and repeat the same storyline.
suke tgk high skool musical... hahaha... dunno maybe vanessa hudgens dlm tu agak comel + sore serak2 inesen gitu
(pedobear alert)
sumpah aku tgk cite tu bukan pasal zach efron!
anyway tingin nk tgk Glee sebab mcm femes lain mcm je...
oh aku layan Hotel Mania... jgn tanye kenape :D
i am wayyyyyyy behind when it comes to series.. sob! :(
dat bandslam seems nice..yeah of course because of vanessa hudgens. HOHOHOHOHO.
p.s: kalau ko download sila bgtau, nak copy later2 :P
akhirnye! something that i can relate to! (and have been watching over and over again) :D mash up lagu thong song dgn lagu apa tah lagi satu tu tak best ke? hehehe..
p/s dila: aku tengok theater phantom of the opera mase study kat aussie dulu. jeles tak jeles tak? hehehe :p
Nia: Tak begitu jeles :P sebab I went to the Singapore one yg performed by the Australians nye team, so probably we'd watched the same team.
Aku punye semangat siap duduk depan sekali. Nampak air liur bertaburan sana sini
Tapi kalo you watched at Sydney Opera House. Maybe ada sedikit jeles! Hehe
saye baru belajar tengok glee.
Owh, saye memang tidak boleh appreciate musical. Sekarang ni baru cuba2 nak berminat~
dils: yeah, I know you're the hardcore musical person. i definitely couldn't watch Phantom of Opera and Sweeney Todd. Nanti confirm jatuh pengsan on the dot. hahahaha. yeah, for hardcore musical person like you, I know Glee is kinda meh. Jalan citer dia actually pun buat aku annoying but somehow it's made to be fun, sebab tu bodoh kot jalan citer dia. hahaha.
yoda: hahaha. I know huh. pedo siot. :P. Glee cam best jugak untuk tontonan. If i must put in analogy, Glee is like Metalicca's S&M Album. Untuk hardcore fans Metalicca, S&M kinda meh tapi untuk new fans, it's freaking awesome. Hotel Mania? Kenapa? :P
adek: hahaha. download cepat2. :P . hahaha. aku dah download dan tengok dah bandslam tu. best2. :P
nia: thong song tu? let just say aku tak suka lagu tu. hahahaha.
sue: hahahaha. I know huh. takper2, path of musical ni kinda need microscopic appreciation which might not be everyone cup of tea.
dila: lucky for you, i didn't watch it dkt sydney opera house ;) Pegi opera house takat bergambar berpuluh juta gambar jer, xde tgk performance kat dlm tu pun.. huhu..
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