Reviu Filem: Up In The Air

Friday, April 30, 2010 Posted by dueng 4 comments

Perasaan saya masih berbekas, seolah-olah ada lompong kosong di hati saya sesudah menonton cerita ini. Realitinya, hidup ini indah. Dan terus indah.

Up In The Air; ramai antara kita mengenali filem ini dari pencalonan di Academy Awards a.k.a. Oscar. Mungkin bukan kamu tapi saya mengenali filem ini dari Oscar. Filem ini diarahkan oleh sutradara John Reitman; yang juga mengarahkan Juno dan Thank You For Smoking. Bagi mereka yang pernah menonton dua filem ini pasti mendapati terdapat cara Rietman mengendalikan filemnya supaya berkesan di hati.

Filem Up In The Air berkisar mengenai Ryan yang bekerja sebagai agen perubahan kerjaya atau dalam bahasa Inggerisnya; career translation agent. Apakah yang dimaksudkan oleh Agen Perubahan Kerjaya? Itu bahasa industri yang juga bermaksud dalam bahasa pasarnya; pemecat pekerja. Ryan digaji oleh CTC sebagai pegawai yang mewakili syarikat yang mahu mengecilkan operasi syarikat mereka. Dalam erti kata lain, Ryan bekerja dengan memecat pekerja lain.

Saya tidak mahu menyentuh bagaimana proses lantik luar (outsourcing) ini sedang berkembang maju tetapi kerjaya Ryan memerlukan beliau mengembara ke seluruh Amerika dan kadang kala ke Eropah untuk menjalankan proses pemecatan. Ryan percaya kepada hidup tanpa komitmen terhadap hubungan dan harta benda. Hidup bagi Ryan adalah seperti sebuah beg sandang yang sekiranya kita mengisi dengan pelbagai perhubungan dan harta benda (termasuk memori silam), kita takkan dapat bergerak ke hadapan.

Dalam perjalanan Ryan, beliau terserempak dengan Alex; juga seorang yang selalu ke luar kawasan demi urusan kerja. Antara Alex dan Ryan terbina hubungan kasual sebagai pasangan yang selalu keluar kawasan. Realitinya, Ryan amat menggemari hidup ke luar kawasan dan merasakan seperti di rumah sendiri apabila dia bergerak ke sana ke mari.

Keselesaan Ryan bagaimanapun terganggu apabila Natalie; seorang staff graduan Universiti Cornell cuba memperkenalkan sistem pemecatan pekerja melalui konferensi video. Ryan berasa terancam dan "mengalu-alukan" Natalie dengan memperkenalkan Natalie kepada relaiti industri yang dihuni Ryan selama ini. Akhirnya, Ryan diarahkan untuk mengajar Natalie berkenaan industri mereka dengan membawanya ke lapangan kerja. Pengalaman yang dikecapi oleh Natalie memberikan kesedaran bahawa industri ini adalah sesuatu yang sangat meletihkan dan mencabar emosi. Semacam kerja yang perlukan interaksi berhadapan yang tidak boleh dikecapi melalui sistem yang dicadangkan oleh Natalie.

Di dalam lapangan bekerja, teman lelaki Natalie memutuskan hubungan mereka. Natalie menangis teresak-esak dan di titik itulah pertemuan pertama Alex dan Natalie apabila Ryan cuba menenangkan Natalie. Natalie ditenangkan oleh Alex dan Ryan dan akhirnya mereka bertukar-tukar pandangan. Alex dan Ryan membawa Natalie untuk menyertai parti anjuran sebuah expo IT di hotel yang mereka diami. Natalie melepaskan segala beban dihatinya dan menikmati parti di hotel berkenaan.

Pendapat saya:

Filem ini memberatkan penceritaan berkenaan nilai kekeluargaan. Nilai kekeluargaan yang berkurangan di dalam diri Ryan akhirnya berjaya merubah Ryan. Walaubagaimanapun, setiap perubahan yang terjadi pasti terdapat harga yang perlu dibayar. Adakah kita bersedia melepaskan keselesaan kita dan membayar harga untuk perubahan itu?

Dari segi komersial, filem ini amat menghiburkan. Lebih komikal berbanding Juno dan tidak terlalu perlahan biarpun ada beberapa adegan perbualan yang agak membosankan. Secara keseluruhan, skripnya ditulis dengan baik sambil diselitkan unsur humor yang santai dan menyenangkan. Perhubungan antara Ryan dan Alex amat serasi menyaksikan perhubungan mereka berjalan lancar sepanjang cerita. Hubungan Natalie dan Ryan juga berkembang secara mantap menyaksikan keserasian antara Ryan dan Alex.

Kesimpulannya, saya amat mencadangkan filem ini untuk tontonan ramai. Sebuah filem santai yang membina minda. :)

Untuk lebih lanjut (keterangan jalan cerita a.k.a. SPOILER, sila skrol ke bawah).

Terima kasih.


Ryan dan Natalie berada dalam perjalanan pulang ke Omaha apabila Ryan terfikir berkenaan perkara yang dibincangkan dengan Natalie. Ryan mengambil keputusan untuk mengajak Alex ke perkahwinan adiknya di Wisconcin selepas bertemu dengan Alex di Vegas. Ryan merasakan hidupnya terasing dari hidup adik beradiknya. Situasi janggal memenuhi sepanjang situasi Ryan di Wisconsin. Ryan cuba untuk mengembalikan dirinya ke posisi ketua keluarga mereka dengan menawarkan untuk menemani Jill ke altar di hari perkahwinan Jill. Walaubagaimanapun, Jill telah memilih keluarga jauh untuk menemaninya.

Semasa Ryan membawa Alex ke sekolah tingginya untuk berpacaran, Ryan dikejutkan oleh panggilan telefon oleh Kara memberitahu bahawa Jim; bakal suami Jill mengalami ketidaktentuan fikiran berkenaan proses perkahwinannya dengan Jill. Ryan diarahkan oleh Kara supaya cuba berusaha untuk mendekatkan diri dengan keluarga mereka dan inilah peluang Ryan untuk menebus kembali pemisahannya dari keluarganya. Ryan selama ini bercerita dan menjalani hidup seorang diri dan terasing merasa tidak yakin dapat meyakinkan Jim untuk mengahwini Jill tetapi demi menebus kembali dirinya kepada keluarganya, Ryan akhirnya berjaya meyakinkan Jim.

Ryan dan Alex berpisah ke rumah masing-masing di lapangan terbang. Ryan tiba di Omaha dan menjalani proses peralihan di dalam bidang kerjanya apabila sistem yang dicadangkan oleh Natalie diterima oleh syarikat mereka. Ryan mula merasai hidupnya kosong apabila dipaksa menetap di Omaha tanpa dapat mengembara lagi. Di suatu majlis motivasi, Ryan seharusnya memberikan ceramah mengenai hidup tanpa komitmen tetapi merasakan tidak sesuai dan berlari keluar dari dewan ceramah. Ryan menuju ke Chicago untuk bertemu dengan Alex.

Apabila sampai di Chicago, Ryan tiba di hadapan rumah Alex dan mendapati Alex telah berumah tangga. Ini adalah tamparan besar bagi Ryan yang berada dalam proses merubah hidupnya. Ryan pulang ke Omaha dan dalam perjalanannya, dia mencapai 10 juta batu perjalanan di dalam program "Frequent Flyer" oleh syarikat penerbangannya. Inilah masa yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh Ryan selama ini tetapi disaat-saat seperti ini, Ryan merasa kaku. Ini adalah titik kesedaran dalam emosi Ryan bahawa hidupnya selama ini adalah yang terbaik untuk dirinya; bersendiri dan mengembara ke seluruh Amerika memecat pekerja.

Sampai sahaja di Omaha, Ryan diberitahu yang Natalie berhenti kerja apabila seorang pekerja yang dipecat oleh Natalie membunuh diri. Program yang dirancang Natalie diteliti balik dan CTC mengarahkan Ryan kembali mengembara untuk memecat pekerja. Di akhirnya, Ryan memberikan surat rekomen kepada syarikat dimana Natalie memohon kerja menyokong bakat dan kesungguhan yang dimiliki oleh Natalie.


Food Galore

Thursday, April 29, 2010 Posted by Soraya Zainal 8 comments
Okay, I need to confess something here. This is the first time since we started Multiple Eyes that I can't wait for my turn on Thursday to post something on this blog. Heh.. guess why?

Because I want all of you to salivate with me when you see this pictures :D~~~

Location: Alexis, Bangsar

My comment? Out of this world. Delicious. The meringue is not too sweet, it is just nice and completely melts in your mouth. The chocolate and fresh fruit jams between the creamy layer perfectly compliments the sweetness of the meringue. The topping of  fresh blackberry (no, not the smartphone) and strawberry, yummy! Strictly for sharing, unless you have a giant sweet tooth. My rate: 4.5/5.0

My mocktail, Pussyfoot (!!!) and clam chowder.

The mocktail is so-so. Not sweet, not sour and not that fruity even though it is a mixture of orange, lime and pineapple. Tawaq hebeh. I will stick to the usual Shirley Temple after this.

The clam chowder is a different story altogether. It is thick and creamy without being queasy, and the clams are delicious. But, we can't finish the whole bowl.. the portion is too much for our appetite. My Rate: 3.5/5.0


... and the best dish of the night, Spaghetti Carbonara.

Oooppsss.... Forgot to take the "before" pictures. Heheh :P

Spaghetti carbonara is a common dish served in almost every pasta-serving restaurant. Normally, I will not order any pasta with carbonara as too much cheese and cream will make me loya. But, this carbonara totally changed my perception on the white sauce.The bits of slightly salty beef ham really makes the cheesy and creamy taste bearable.

My Rate: 5.0/5.0

Okay, I am salivating again now.

I know I can't make a career out of food blogging because whenever I see delicious food... I can't stop and take my time to admire it. When I see good food, I will sayyy... seranngggggg!!!!

That explains why I can only show you the "after" picture of this delicious spaghetti carbonara~ How did the professional food blogger did it eh? They are capable of taking ingredients notes and took artsy pictures of the food too... huhu... Meanwhile, I stop thinking about anything when I see good food. Hahah... diet, calorie counts, what???

Location: Sushi Zanmai, One Utama

As a sushi lover, I vowed not to step into Sushi King again. Heh...

Ikura Chawanmushi

Closer look of the salmon roe... Sedap!

My compulsory dish in every Japanese restaurant. I love ikura so much that I  can't resist ordering this dish again and again on my every visit. The chawanmushi is kinda good and full with mushroom, chicken and prawn bits.

Hotate Mentayaki

Grilled scallops with herbs, golden mushroom, mentayaki (flavored cod roe @ mentaiko) and cream cheese. Berebut okeh nak makan benda ni? Sangat sedap. My Rate: 4.0/5.0.

Tuna Sashimi

Sashimi = raw fresh seafood. Not for the faint hearted as its taste was slightly off compared with salmon or cod sashimi. The fishy taste remained on our tongue after we finished eating it and no, it was not a good sign.  I would stick to my usual salmon sashimi that day if not because they already ran out of salmon that evening. Reminder for my next visit: come early!

Ika Sugatayaki

... or better known as Grill Squids. When they first served it, we asked... Ni je??? It look so plain and boring without any fancy garnishing and grill charred marks. But once it met our taste buds, I know this is a good dish. The succulent squid is not spicy, but it is sweet, salty and slightly sour from the lemon zest. My rate: 3.0/5.0.

Macha Monaka

Our desserts for the day, Green Tea and Red Bean Ice Cream. I am not a fan of both green tea and red beans, so my rate will be kinda bias. But, my friend say it taste good.. so good it is :P

Location: The Apartment, The Curve
Pavlova... again.

This pavlova was such a letdown after we experienced the pavlova at Alexis. Too sweet, too creamy and the fruit was just so-so. Canned peach. Hmm... even between 5 of us, we can't finished this desserts. My Rate: 1.5/5.0.

My Birthday Cake :P

Heheh.. tak berkaitan, but I just want to share it with you.

Half dozen of a birthday cupcakes, from my dear office mates who organized a karaoke outing to celebrate my birthday. Yummy, but I could only eat the chocolate cupcakes :P

My shared birthday cake from a surprise party by my old old friends. But, I am too full from the  previous dinner to enjoy the cheese cakes. Huhu...

I love to eat good food and I am not afraid to spend my moolah for it. I am not a conventional eater either. The more exotic and rare the food is, the more interested I am to try it.

More food review next month, after I received my next salary to be exact :P

This kind of food did come with a hefty price tag *sigh*

Happy weekends everyone! My company is taking the Friday off tomorrow, so it will be a long weekend for us. Enjoy~~~

P/s: ... but nothing can challenged home cooked meal. Owh, dapurku sudah lama tak berasap~~

P/p/s: No, I don't eat at 3 different restaurant in 1 day.

Things that happened in a chic lit or chic flick that never seems to happen in real life

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Posted by Dils 9 comments
  • No matter how crappy your job is or how you bemoan the state of your finance, you can always afford to live by yourself in that cute apartment. 
  • That also include on how you always can afford to buy that designer dress or shoes. 
  • You never sweat. Ever. Even when you are jogging. And especially if you are chasing after the man you love telling him that you love him. Only out of breath.
  • But if you do, your hair would always look put together. 
  • When you bump into a cute guy, a "Meet Cute" would happened and thus either the guy, asked for your number OR he would somehow keep on showing up on various events on your life. Including work, functions, supermarket/groceries shopping or someone's wedding. This can even be your wedding he showed up to. 
  • You will always be clumsy in front of the cute guy. Even if before this you're not. Because heaven help us if a woman is shown as having confidence in herself. 
  • That guy is usually a millionaire. Even if he's not, he will totally be one. 
  • You will be crap at your work or have a crappy job. But suddenly after some ridiculous tribulations and minimal effort, the higher up would love you and promoted you. 
  • Oh, also. And the heroine portrayed as a girl next door type of girl, is usually played by some incredibly beautiful woman or even a supermodel or Miss World. You don't stand a chance at happiness if you are a little bit chubby. Apatah lagi obese.

Bah. I can only think of 9 things. Feel free to add more!

Correction: Woopsie! I missed the 'K' in chic lit/flick. Should've been chick lit and chick flick. Pardon the mistakes.

Dils still loves a good chick flick/chic lit even if at times it can be a bit ludicrous. Favorite chick flick: While you were sleeping. Favorite chic lit: Bridget Jones Diary. 

#006 - Different

Monday, April 26, 2010 Posted by Unta@Jitra 4 comments
Monday oredi gosh!

Today I want to open the 'pekung didada' by sharing one of my good (or bad) traits. Nope it is not something dirty or anything (save it for later), but I guess maybe there were others out there who are pretty much like me.

I like to be different. Well, most of the time.

Somehow, agreeing to an opposite and popular view makes my brain working. Instead of blindly following a popular trend, for example, I like to choose a different, less popular, underdog choice. For example, the Iphone trend. If let say I have like RM3000 at my disposal, and I really need to switch to a new smartphone, I tend to look for a different phone that can beat Iphone (which is quite hard really).

I'll try to justify to myself, what are the strong points in making such decision. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is an exercise for my brain, which I like.

Going against popular trend has the downs as well. What makes a trend popular? What makes DSLR so popular today, even skolah rendah kids have one? Well for one thing, it is superior, easy, cheap, low maintenance etc. So going against a popular trend is not always good.

But the challenge there, of course, is to beat the odds. The feeling when you can somehow say to the DSLR fan, "my camera can fit in my pocket" is euphoric. Or my phone can do this while your popular phone can't, or my underdog team can beat your filthy rich club (EPL).

In other words, trolling fanboys is exciting :D

In real world, the popular choices are everywhere. You and including myself have already made at least one popular choice in our lifetime, whether we realize it or not. That includes our political view, our mode of transportation, our fast food joints, our choice of music / bands / singer, almost everything. But somehow, being different in at least one, is interesting.

Ramly beef patty is still my favorite, no matter how famous it is.

Mighty Reds of Anfield

Friday, April 23, 2010 Posted by dueng 0 comments
There's a road named Anfield road in the town of Liverpool; European Capital of Culture. Liverpool most probably notable to people outside Britain for 2 obvious things; The Beatles and Liverpool FC.

As for the undisputed fame of The Beatles, Liverpool FC also having the same reputation all over the world. Known as the most successful club in English football [citation needed if you're other club fans], Liverpool FC also known as The Reds due to the colors of the football kit.

I love Liverpool FC. It's the second club that I support however it is the love affair that I never want to forget. People ask me, why do love Liverpool FC so much while you're not even from Liverpool?

Well, I love Liverpool FC for it's good display of gameplay which I found mesmerizing all this while. Most of my moments with Liverpool FC are beautiful, gut wrenching and heart stopping moments. Yeah, it could go from very low point to very high point in a blink and the euphoria is just unbearable to contain inside.

I admit that I used to weep while watching great game by The Reds, it's really full of emotion, roller coaster from start to end. What I love most other than good game is the official anthem [citation needed if you're other club fans] of Liverpool FC; You'll Never Walk Alone. It give me goosebumps every single time I heard the Anfield faithful singing it. Especially on European night.

My best moments with The Reds?

6 minutes from low point to high point. Euphoric? You betcha

The aftermath: The Miracle of Istanbul

The worst moments with The Reds?

......I try not to remember that.....


I hate telemarketing...

Thursday, April 22, 2010 Posted by Anonymous 2 comments
Yeah yeah I know I'm late sending this entry. Reason being I am busy and was out to customer's office. As a compensation, here's a picture of a blondie for you to fap. HAHAHAHA.

And you know what's irritating? Or if translated - "perkara yang menjengkelkan" - ok itu dah bunyik macam blog Effi. When you're busy with meeting and works and whatnot.. suddenly your phone ringing and...

"Encik, kami dari insurans company bla bla bla bla nak bincang sedikit dengan encik. Boleh bagi saya masa dalam 3 ke 5 minit?"

Okay, an insurance company called you. So you must think that there's something wrong with your insurance, right? At my side, I was thinking that something is wrong with my car insurance.


They are those telemarketing girls who's responsibility was to sell you MORE insurance than needed. Suddenly they will talk as fast as they could like speed reading from a book - where you can't even make out what the fuck they're talking about. Worst, they don't even stop when you wanted to say something. *sigh*

Only after they finished their sales pitch, then you can talk and say no. But again, you will be asked why and whatnot and they will counter every arguments you give. FFFFFFF!!!

When I asked where do they get my number, they said that it's a selected offer from Mastercard and Visa holder. I countered with the facts that it's wrong to get the information without my permission (because I know that I do not send any request to the insurance company - not my number, of course). But she countered it again with "you need all the insurance or you'll die miserably etc2..". I've got to say "yada yada yada" to make that bitch stop talking and hang up. 

No, really. I did say "yada yada yada". Luckily tak keluar "poookey muck" je time tu...

I think that telemarketing is not that effective as of previously. Now, people are getting busier and they wanted information that is only worthy at that point of time. Calling people while they're working asking if they wanted to buy some policy is a sure way to be rejected. Come on... I have Internets and whatnot to research about the things I need. I don't need you to call and bug me. That's so fucked up. 

I understand that the girl is just doing her job, but seriously... I think nowadays people are getting dirtier in doing businesses. Stop telemarketing please. Go online instead. Less resources, less rejections, less costs compared to calling people. I bet that girl doesn't like the job of calling and bugging people too.. but.. yeah.. work is work. 


What say you about telemarketing?

P/s: La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la. What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Corporal, huh?

Mixed Signal

Posted by Soraya Zainal 5 comments
This post is going to be short as I am currently on MC.. due to extreme coughing and sore throat. Every time I cough, I feel like crying... isk... Sampai sakit dada woo batuk teruk ni.. isk...


Why do men always give mixed signal?

This is a general question. I have been getting those mixed signal from men since I first start dating. As quite a lurus bendul girl who can't really understand the meaning of these signals, I get very frustrated most of the times.

Some day, he will be very caring and makes me feel like I am the centre of his attention.

Some day, he can't let go of his phone and keep on smsing and calling me all day long.

Some day, he totally forgot about me. Hmmmpphhh....

Die tengah busy tu, sampai lupa aku... 3 hari terlupa nak check handphone.

I think this song describes what I feel right now and I really wish I have the gut to kick his ass as what Miss Katy did.

Okay, back to my bed... enjoying my last day of MC :(

P/s: Jangan ingat perempuan je ade PMS, lelaki pun ada jugak rupenye,,,,

Getting over you

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Posted by Dils 7 comments
It's not a very good day when you wake up dreaming of your ex. Especially you dreamt that you had an affair with your ex, and  your ex died and you solely responsible for the terrible consequences afterward when everybody knew.

Understandably I woke up feeling crappy and melancholy. With this morning weather of rain and gloom, it just reflects my mood even more.

So I am gonna write about things I used to do to get over an ex in no particular idea because thinking of the sequence of events after a boy had dumped you kinda messes you up.

1. Cried while jumping up and down. Do this right after you get that terrible phone call and the guy had hang up. It kinda releases the physical tension a bit. A BIT ONLY.

2. Called back the guy demanding an explanation. Yes, you can do this. You do deserve an explanation. But usually the explanation is lame anyway. "Its me, not you". "I just wanted to be friend and I am not looking for commitment" . You'll be better off without the lame explanation.

3. Called back the guy asking to take you back. Dear. God. NO!!! This never ends well and we ALL cringed when we think about this embarrassing moment. This is when friends come in. Friends, seize your friend brokenhearted phone away. She may plead,called you a bitch, but she appreciate it later. Erm, maybe months later. And stop staring at your phone psychic-ly  wishing it would ring and the screen would displayed his name. He. Would. Never. Call. And AGAIN. Don't call him either!

4. Don't sleep and eat and just go all weepy all the time. Guarantee weight loss. Makes you more attractive to other guys who like emo thin girls. Those guys do exist. And they come bearing KFCs.

5. Went out with said above guys as ways to get over the non-numbing pain. Can even get a rebound out of it. If your rebound guy also dumped you. Too bad, you may need to go all of these processes 2 times more extreme. WHICH IS WHY YOU DON'T FALL IN LOVE WITH THE REBOUND GUY OK!

6. Delete every damn songs that remind you of him or he gave to your or he dedicated to you. No. Don't listen to it while weeping. Are you addicted to pain? You can listen to it again after a few years  had passed.

7. Change your clothes, style, hair or do anything new like start a new hobby or travel. Anything. Just do something that you think you need a new start of. Feeling like you in a rut while being depressed because the guy don't love you possibly because you are in a rut, is not good.

8. Throw away ALL he had given you. Nah. I don't do that. It's a good idea though, but I could never do it because I do appreciate the thought that he then take the time and the thoughts to buy me a gift. Well thinking about it, I did this once though in school, because he pisses me off so much when he kept on calling other girls and bragging to me about it.

9. Stop watching chic flick or reading chic lit. Time inilah you want to broaden your horizon a bit and read a classic lit or watch a cinematic masterpiece. Story about a girl who got her man, just make you want to throw the book down and kick it repeatedly or burn down the cinema house and come out from the flames ala Rose McGowan in Grindhouse Planet Terror rocking her machine gun leg. 

10. Watched porn. Ok, my friend told me this. Hey, I doubt I did this because I want to forget my ex. Ni mesti sebab ko paksa aku tengok Seriiiii. Tapi kalo maseh ingat your ex while watching porn, erm, what is wrong with you?

Also added advice:

Do stop thinking he will realize his folly and come back to you. Usually they won't. And if they ever do, it is because you had gotten over them and you suddenly become attractive to them again. And if this happened, Nah. Don't start the above process again will ya.

There maybe other ways I did to forget or get over a guy, but I may had forgot. Because I have selective memory and chose to remember only the good things. So I may even did some cripplingly embarrassing things that I chose to forget, but the above are the one that I remembered. 

It is hard getting over a break up or getting dumped. Sometimes when I did the above, I thought nothing would worked. It is true though that only time will soften the blow and heal the pain. But having a spot of fun now and then, does help to take the edge off.

#005 - Weekends

Monday, April 19, 2010 Posted by Unta@Jitra 2 comments
Ah another boring post... it is funny to imagine you readers, looking to cure your Monday Blues, read the latest entry by the ever mediocre Monday writer, only to curse because it is that bad.


So I shall write and post after working hours.

(This is not an elaborated attempt to cover my late submission)

Weekends... yeah those 2 free days. You have only about 8 days in a month to put them in good use. Some chose to turn off their phone and sleep... some chose travelling, shopping, spring cleaning and whatnot.

My personal thought of these 2 days: They are important and a good planning is never a bad idea. I just have to do something productive on weekends, maybe because my irregular work hours during weekdays. Most of the time, my weekends consist of

1) Kenduri - have to sort out the priority. Usually, good buddies come first. If you were in my reception, I'll be in yours (if invited hehe)

2) Jalan-jalan di KL a.k.a. books hunting. Central Market is me n Mrs first choice. Got a nice collection for a action thriller fiction maniac like me, and romance for Rozie. Apart from that, meeting some old friends, and makan²

3) Cooking - Rozie will try some recipe found in the internet, mostly including castor sugar and butter :D, and me with mouth wide open

4) Balik kampung - I tried to balik kampung at least once a month, and still trying. Minta ampun mak! Labour's day ni InsyaAllah

5) Damn... writer's block... OMG...



So on another story, I was in Sungai Klah Hot Springs park yesterday, attending Family Day (Rozie's co) and I must say it was quite a nice place. Only 2 hours from KL and if you're looking for a place to relax, this is a pretty nice spot.

It has everything ranging from spa therapy, hot spring pool (yeah, can mandi and swim in there), eggs boiling activity, water reflexology, and a big nice water park. I think it was a good move by Felda to promote and develop such place.

For more info, you can just click this link.

I'm signing out now, I'll try to be more creative in the next entry :D
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Life is Unpredictable!

Friday, April 16, 2010 Posted by dueng 0 comments
We life long enough to know that life is unpredictable. Life sucks for most part but that's wasn't the best part of it. Life is like hurricane; turning your life upside down without you even realize it, in a blink of eyes. Some people believe that it's written in our fate for us to become like that, I believe otherwise. What written in our fate couldn't be change for some; your birth, your death, your family etc but things like how you progress in life still pretty much flexible for you to run it at your own accord. Hence, the freewill.

I'm a big fan of UP series. It's a film documentary which follows life of 14 kids from various background. The film franchise revolved around revisiting each of the children life every 7 years. The children who starts in this series at age 7 now become aging to age 49; which means, there are 7 installation of the series. This franchise starts in 1964 and the next installation is 56 UP. Read more at here.

Among all children who signing up to this series, Neil Hughes turned out to be having most unpredictable life. You could see the transformation in video below:

Life is unpredictable, nuff said.

Neil starts bright, cheerful turns into an eccentric, depressed, horrible being. Bouncing back, he work his way up. I would love to watch his transformation over the years but given the chance of this snapshot of Neil's life is like a wake up call for me. It's a daunting experience nonetheless if I were Neil.

What more, you just couldn't give up in life. Keep on going and going and going.

I hope you enjoy it. As much as I enjoy it. And take a close look at your life and count your blessing.
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I can take a break from life

Thursday, April 15, 2010 Posted by Soraya Zainal 4 comments

... by sleeping.

Like Adek and Dils, I am also busy this week. The company is organizing a sports event this weekend and as one of the kuli batak bertaraf eksekutif steering committee member, I am trying my best not to turn the event into the company biggest failed event.. EVER!

But, thank god to this busy schedule. I got to forget most of my personal problems during the day and once I arrived home at night.. I can't think about anything else rather than a long, cold shower and a good night sleep. Dreamless. Bliss.

Whenever I have personal problems, rather than to let it out the rebellious way I always did when I was younger... I prefer to sleep it off nowadays. It explains why on some weekends, I switched off my handphone and cut off all communications because I want to have my only drugs and escapism from the world... sleep.

I used to take out my personal problems on my credit cards by retail therapy. But, I realized that once the bills arrived at the end of every month, my stressed level will doubled up. Haha... So, no.. retail therapy is not that soothing unless you have bottomless paycheck :P

Sleeping is my way to get my mind diverted from personal issues. Maybe some people perceived that I was running from it, but trust me.. long and dreamless sleep is the best cure for stressful day. It is like a short holiday, from life.

I can understand why some people need the sleeping pills, but thank god.. all I need is an aircond and my pink, comfortable bed to doze off. Huhu...

Tell me, what you always do to handle your stress?

P/s: Whenever I need a good laugh, I read and them!

I am an independent girl and have been independent since I was just a little girl. But after 27 years believing that they understand that I am living my life on the right track, they tried to change my principle, my belief and my life.  Am I wrong to rebel or I should succumb to their pressure... just this once before I can truly be free?
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Random Quote Time!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 Posted by Anonymous 1 comments
I am too busy. But I need to post something. So here's a quick way - post all quotes that I got from an email. It's about wife, husbandry, and marriage. Enjoy laughing or smirking. :D

P/s: I got this from an email, so don't blame me or get angry with the statements. It's merely for your amusement. :P


I recently read that love is entirely a matter of chemistry.   That must be why my wife treats me like toxic waste - David Bissonette 


When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her - Sacha Guitry


After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can't face each other, but still they stay together - Hemant Joshi


By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher - Socrates


Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them - Dumas


The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What does a woman want?" - Sigmund Freud.


I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me - Anonymous.


"Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays." - Henny Youngman


"I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years." - Sam Kinison


"There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage." - James Holt McGavran


"I've had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me, and the second one didn't." - Patrick Murray


Two secrets to keep your marriage brimming
             1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it,
             2. Whenever you're right, shut up.


The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once -


You know what I did before I married? Anything I wanted to - Henny Youngman


My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met - Rodney Dangerfield


A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong - Milton Berle


Marriage is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy - Anonymous


A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds: "Wife wanted". Next day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: "You can have mine." - Anonymous


First Guy (proudly): "My wife's an angel!"
Second Guy: "You're lucky, mine's still alive."


A dummy guide to air mata kucing

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Posted by Dils 1 comments
Air mata kucing is one of my absolute favorite drink ever since in my personal opinion it is such a great thirst quencher. My mom always made it during the berbuka puasa for Ramadhan. 

Because I hardly see it anywhere else, except for the Petaling Street Air Mata Kucing which I drank occasionally but gotten quite sick of it because it is too pekat for my liking, I made my own recently. Yeay! Asked mom before this on how to made it and she kinda rolled her eyes and explained to her incredibly ignorant daughter whom are an ignoramus on all things domestic on how to make it. Very easy that I wept for my inadequacies in sense and skills in the kitchen that I didn't figure it out earlier. 

Thus if any of you maidens (or not so maiden) or gentlemen, feel like making it.... mari mari, I tell.

1. Beli the dried mata kucing packets from a sensei near you. Probably it is located somewhere in a supermarket, but I can only find myself around the canned food. So to make your life easier, kedai sensei kan ade.

2. Put a pot of water to boil.

3. Add in the dried mata kucing, daun pandan left it to boil and simmer and put the lid on it. Add sugar to your liking.

4. It should turn out like this.

5. Best served iced/cold, so I usually refrigerate it first. 

Quantity? Its really up to you. Berapa banyak ko mahu buat or berapa pekat / manis you like the air mata kucing. I don't  like mine too sweet nor pekat, so the packet of mata kucing ada lagi setengah. 

Senang? Tak senang? Boleh jadi domestic goddess begini?

Dils is not a domestic goddess despite her attempts. However she does like to try and/but fail spectacularly. And also this is a quick entry since all she can think about is this.

#004 - Housewarming

Monday, April 12, 2010 Posted by Unta@Jitra 3 comments
Hello Monday

It was my housewarming 'kenduri' last Saturday night, with a good record of attendance (minus a good number of absentees as well). It was our (me and Mrs) 'niat' to hold a dinner party at our new house here in Putrajaya and it went well. Guests were having fun, food was a bit more than enough but damn tasty (special thanx to Rozie, Haida and her friend for the round the clock chefs).

Overall, it was a success, and will be repeated again :)

Tips for holding a good housewarming party:

1) Enough food for everybody - Make sure the food is enough. If you're afraid of over budget, carefully take note of the attendance + half of the number. You'll never know who will have a big appetite :D. If you're thinking of serving squids, they SHRINK once cooked! It is always a good idea to minimize the menu and balance them out by the taste. Rice with 2 'lauk' dishes, 1 veggie, fruits and dessert are a good count.

2) Make sure the guest are having a good time - Being a host is a commitment. Always make sure they are well entertained since not all of the guest know each other yet. Make an introduction for an ice breaker. Turning on TV might hinder socialization but if there was a good football match, turn it ON. To avoid an awkward moment, try not to invite an ex-gf with ex-bf, or something like that.

3) Timing and duration - Is it dinner or lunch? A good idea is to have dinner since you can prepare the menu in the morning.

4) Enough plates, utensils, cookware - Before planning, make sure you have everything in the kitchen and on the dining table prepared. Extra clean plates don't hurt.

5) Pitcahhhss


2) Chefs didapur

3) The foods + Choc Brownies

4) Wear bersama Syukies

5) Sean ralit tgk TV sambil NOMNOM

6) Most of the guests

Pics credit to Some (Dils' hubby)
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Doctor Who?

Friday, April 9, 2010 Posted by dueng 2 comments
"I'm The Doctor."

The Doctor and his TARDIS. Beautiful British entertainment. I apologize before hand cause I have Anglophile - in entertainment stream and government policy. No silly, it's not a disease but it's a "disease". Well, go figure anyway.

I'm a huge fan of Dr Who, the longest running sci-fi series. However, I'm only get involved when BBC Wales resurrected Dr Who in 2005 with their "Season 1" with Christopher Eccleston as the The Doctor. In case you're wondering who the heck if Christopher Eccleston; he's the bad Scottish guy a.k.a Destro in G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra. You girls probably not paying attention cause you droll over Channing Tatum and you guys droll over Sienna Miller. *sigh*. The series was given new life by the BBC Wales production and it's going back to be liken by the new generations which also include me.

I find that I somehow take a more liking to British series more than American series. I find that British series having better edge than American series in term of going sarcastic, having witty moment, conveying grief, laughing and crying. It maybe the accent but I did think British have better clarity in using their words. And funny enough that eventhough I couldn't totally get their slang meant, it somehow reach me. And seriously, I think British are more witty than American.

Also, I find that British somehow a bit of rebel compare to American. Their story provoking the sentiment and values but not so subtle. In nutshell, it's not too preachy about it. The subtility, the witty remarks and the rebel storyline somehow suite me well.

Ok, back to macro, all in's a good series. Now with season 5 is currently airing (episode 1 just airing in British on 03/04/2010), I couldn't wait to see the witty Doctor and his companion. Good news is that Karen Gillan will be the new companion of the doctor. Beautiful, sassy and classy!

Matt Smith as the Doctor keep the charm and wit at par with David Tennant; the previous Doctor. Although David Tennant far sassy than Matt Smith, Matt done a good job portraying The Doctor.

So, what do I like most about Dr Who? It's a time traveling story; it's magnificent how future and past being portrayed by the director. I just freaking love it. If you think National Treasure or Back To The Future excite you, imagine that for the whole season of 14 episodes. Yeah! Freaking gut wrenching! I feel like swallowing a hamster. Anyhow, it's never too late to like Dr Who. It will change your life.



Torrent could be found at

Dueng also like BBC & Kudos' production series; Hustle. It's even better than its so called American counterpart; The Leverage. Eagerly waiting for new season of Hustle. Now, Dueng's world shine brighter. :P


Lagenda Budak Setan

Thursday, April 8, 2010 Posted by Soraya Zainal 14 comments
Okay, tell me something 80s babies... Please raise your hand if you never ever read even one of Ahadiat's novel?

The first novel I ever read is "Sepasang Jeans Biru" when I was 11 or 12.  After years being shoved with Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys, Ahadiat really opened my eyes on novels and make me realized there was a teenage life outside my small hometown. Heheh.. yes, I was and still am a small town girl whose idea of socializing was hanging out the A&W drinking root beer float :P

From that moment on, I continued reading his books until a few years ago. The last book I read was Untuk Tiga Hari. I have all his books, from Hikayat Cinderella, Sekuntum Bunga, Sekeping Card, Seraut Cinta  to the thick Pilot Cafe that was co-author with Zuraidah Othman. But, the most memorable books was this Lagenda Budak Setan.

What I love about his novels are its sempoi style and how close I can relate it with reality. The dialog used what not the overly sasterawan and the potrayal of life is not as ideal as what we can read from other novel. I hate blind idealism that most Malay novelist loves... While being far from being nominated as a literature masterpiece, his novel really capture the young teenagers attention.

I used to read this book when I was in boarding school. A religious boarding school that prohibit all sorts of fiction novels. Yelah.. lagha kan? Heheh... So, I wrapped this as-thick-as-a-dictionary novel with a plain white paper and write a new title... "KAMUS PELAJAR". Haha.. I survived all spot check!

Now, this legendary novel will be made into film and I really looking forward to watch it on the big screen. I fell in love with the trailer and officially declared that Lagenda Budak Setan will on my summer movie list alongside Eclipse & Harry Potter.

As much as I love adaptation film, I still hope that this film will not kill the "drama" that I have conjured in my imagination all these years. Same with all other film adaptation, I know it is hard to re-create the scene that was playing on the mind of the loyal reader. Slight changes will be welcomed with uproar :P

Farid Kamil ftw! I think both the trailer and the theme song are beautiful... Hahahaha... Okay, mari tutup mata tahan kutukan Adek, Yoda & Dueng. Dils, I hope you are on my side >.<

What is your favourite Ahadiat Akashah novel?

P/s: I am in the midst of re-reading the Lagenda Budak Setan again. Syuh syuh away Edward Cullen.. please make way to Kasyah, si pencinta agung...

I haven't posted any girly stuff yet, right? I wonder why I got all skema whenever I was drafting post for this blog. Where did my purplish pink inner self go? Hmm. Maybe I have left it at ?

I Am Happy That I Am a Man..

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 Posted by Anonymous 1 comments
because then.. I don't have any "BFF" issues to be dealt with. No, it's not the "Bicycle Film Festival" and neither "Backup File Format".

It's the "Best Friend Forever" thingy stuff. (Credit pic:

(Oh wait, I do have problems with the Backup File Format. LOL)

Anyway, recently some of my friends had some disputes over some words thrown over. Maybe some sarcasm, some scepticism that rip the scars in the heart. I am not there to witness anything - all I heard was a mouth story. I'd say it's pretty bullshit - but you know, how girls can turn out to be mean? 
Read the previous post by Dils to understand what I mean.

I am not going to take sides since both are also my friends, and what's more - it's girl stuff. Why should I be involved in it, since I don't have any vagina? 

The only thing I can give are advises. These can be applied if you're in any relationship, no matter BFF, BF-GF and whatnot:

  1. If you're in the heat of arguments, stop talking. Take your distance away from the other party. Let the heat cools down
  2. People changes. We always have new responsibilities, new priorities. Never depend on one people. If he or she is not at your side, so be it.
  3. Words are meant to be sharper than swords. Try not to easily draw it. 
  4. Take everything with a pinch of salt. Be open, and try not to take things so hard. 
  5. Clashes of opinions or ideas always happened. Be true to yourself while being opened to new ideas. 
  6. BFF is overrated and sounds too lesbian. 
Enough? Now stop fighting, girls. Stop bullying too. Stop hurting any peoples - this is an area best left to man. No gender equality here - you're just too soft and too fragile to involve in bullying or fighting.
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The story of Phobe Prince and many others like her

Tuesday, April 6, 2010 Posted by Dils 3 comments
A few days ago I was saddened to learn of the Phoebe Prince (pic below) case. It happened in the U.S, yes, and most definitely I do not know the girl, but the tragedy struck a chord in me.

The gist of the story is, Phoebe an Irish girl moved to the U.S, Massachusetts last year and started school there. She was incredibly pretty and smart and coupled with the fact that she is new and her lilting Irish accent, made her a hit among the boys. She dated briefly a football player who's a senior there which causes the ire of the popular older girls in the school. Slurs hurled, harassed constantly and stalked in real life and in the Facebook. One day in January after a Red Bull can was thrown at her direction, she probably think she had enough and ended her life by hanging herself with a scarf in her closet.

And these girls that meted out these bullying obviously born without conscience, continue to terrorize her in her death and left hurtful vicious comments on her Facebook memorial page.

And that last act that appalled me. Girls can be very cruel. But so cruel to the point of you are not sorry at all when someone is dead, and write "Accomplished" in her memorial page. It is incomprehensible.
Just so you know, bullying is not constrained to just physically harassing a person. It can be by verbally abusing them, spreading rumours and isolating the person. While I have to freely admit that some girls are prone to talk shits about people, there are some people that can go to the extreme that hurt the most.

I would say I have been both the giving and receiving end of this type of things.

In secondary school, while not really popular, I do hang about in the popular groups. And sometimes the things young girls think as justice are actually bullying. Openly laughing at the people who are different than us, played tricks on the targeted girls (e.g. give letters to the girls supposedly penned by a some guy or even forced a guy to join in our idiotic plan and asked the girl to meet this guy because he like her, which he will then string along and gave us the letters for our amusement. Damn, we were evil bitches) And usually the worst one is where everyone is not allow or do not want to talk or associate with the person. I would say that the worst one because like I said, I had experience both the receving and giving end of the sticks plus minus some other things I talked about earlier. Those can break a girl spirit. 

The thing is all that I had done above, some mean, some are done in good fun , all of us know there is a line somewhere. Someone would have a guilty conscience and remind the others to stop doing this, its killing the other person. And we stopped. We even apologized, to some. And when I got the receiving end of the bullying, it was hellish. It was hellish for me morning and night. I become bitter, and distrustful to everyone. Its hard. I like to think of it as karma, but I do also think I was never that bad. But maybe to the person I openly sneered at, I was that bad too. Who knows? However while the silent treatment and sneering continues, I just go on and take action to go and remove myself somewhere else for respite. Many other people do not have these options. I guess Phoebe believed she does not have these options to and she is much more younger and vulnerable. And the bullying in the western world is more terrible than what we Asians counterpart experience.

I only remembered once when I was in Australia, in my class there was a big bully. He terrorized the lower grades (grade 1,2,3 also known as standard in our Malaysian school system) in the school. I remembered he will not hesitate to give a blow or a punch to anyone even without reasons. The schoolchildren whispered around that he have older brothers who beat people up too, so nobody dare messes with him. There was a particular incident, I can't remember what had happened to cause the bully to act angrily toward this boy, but it was the first time I seen him in his full blown rage. We were lining up to go into class, the bully pummeled the boy to the ground and with flaming cheeks he casually dragged the poor boy by the hair into the nearby woods to I guess beat the hell out of him even more. Everyone was dumbstruck and silent and nobody dare to say anything. This was happening when I was eight. Imagine the violence if say, we were 15 at the time. 

What I guess I am trying to say is, the physical does hurt. It hurt as much as the verbal abuse. While boys usually more prone to receive the physical threat of bullying, the girls are usually attacked verbally or shamed. And today generation are now growing up with Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Blog even. The ability to update to thousand of people in your network in a blink, the attack may even be more devastating. The ability to spread rumours to wide reaching audience with the supposed thinking it can be anonymous, and sensationalized and you won't be in any trouble. Before this name smear maybe contained to one area, but with the Internet, everything changed. I do not have to explain more, many of you are Internet savvy enough to know the truth.

Right now the bully are being charged and facing punishment, but many argue is that enough? What about the adults, the teachers and the parents who let the bully continue to terrorize. Its hard to see what had gone wrong. Usually a person who like to hit somebody is associated with parents that hit their kids too. But blaming and sneering and rumour spreading. Many come from respectable background with conscientious parents. Maybe it comes to where does the blame end and what you are going to do about it to make sure your children or nephews or nieces grow up to be a people without malice or at the very least know when to stop and what is right and what is wrong

And to question yourself, do you yourself do these things and don't you know when to stop?

Dils talks of serious stuffs. Wow! But really, every time she looked at Phoebe Prince lovely picture, her heart felt like breaking, knowing that such a beautiful smart girl had been driven to the extreme because of bullying. Her not so somber thoughts is at

#003 - Doubles

Monday, April 5, 2010 Posted by Unta@Jitra 5 comments
Another new week.

Today for something different, I'd like to share my personal experience in life after marriage. Afraid not, it is not some wise ass guide to a perfect marriage or to 'saiko' you to stay single, but rather a reality check for those who are looking to build that mosque soon.

Marriage doubles everything.

1) Income and expenses - Household income will get doubled. So you do have some cash to play around, buying things etc. First priority will be to get your home decorated. Things like sofa set, TV, bedroom set, dining table, have to be set up in early months of marriage. But the thing is, your expenses will be doubled as well, from food to all those little things you buy for your kitchen and bathroom, and your utilities bill. Manage wisely.

2) Love and hate - If you marry someone you love, you'll be happier. Period. But sometimes, a married couple can have a crisis or two. Remember this, you will know your spouse better after marriage, from their good to bad habits. For example, I used to hate watching tv in a bright room, but my Mrs likes the other way around. So we switch a faraway lamp. Compromise. I remembered one ustaz from the marriage course that gave an excellent tips to minimize the after marriage conflict - Pick 1 night, the sooner the better, say honeymoon night and declare all the things you love (hobby, interest) and your 'pantang tok nenek' to your love one. Do it before the other party found out the hard way.

3) Stuffs and junks - If you're a hoarder like me, storage is a must. I've got so many things from my previous single life cramped in boxes, and you got double again from your better half. We are currently still working on that LOL. One room full of junks. Your clothes might not fit into a small cupboard anymore, so buy a bigger one. Take 1 day to sort all of your junks and get rid of the trash.

4) Responsibility - You used to be responsible for your parents, and now you have your partner and it just get double again. Plan ahead for balik kampung trip, alternate between you and him/her.

I think that's about it (kot). Words of wisdom - Prepare, prepare and prepare. Are you ready?

I've been married for 3 months plus now. Not everything is according to plan, but that is just life.

The Question About Gen Y Women

Friday, April 2, 2010 Posted by dueng 5 comments
Recently, I read this book.

Invisible Trade, talking about high-class sex for sale in Singapore. Singapore known to legalize sexual transaction in Geylang area. That's equivalent to Batam in Indonesia.

Working lady, prostitute, hooker, whore, stripper, call girl, escort, gigolo, toy boy etc could be all classified as sex worker. They're getting paid for doing sexual related things. It's a good book really for most part cause it's a good tragedy. I just love good tragedy. The rest is in the details.

Anyhow, a colleague brought up an interesting topic in the office. She was saying that Gen Y women not care much if their husband getting into affairs as long as money and/or love is there for them. They could just be satisfied with money and/or love cause it's expected from the man they're married to have an affair - knowing how many attractive yet single ladies out there.

I couldn't help but to disagree at some point of the statement. I agree that Gen Y women not care much if their husband getting into affairs but love and money couldn't just heal you out of it. What I could see in Gen Y women are more independent thought in them. Most of them used to work at some point of their single life which normally could ended up with marriage around 25-30 years old normally. They get so much exposure on living on their own and most of them still keep working even after marriage. Dependencies towards man and position of man as breadwinner wasn't a natural factor anymore in marriage. Husband and wife depending on each other both emotionally and financially.

That's mean Gen Y women have better options should an affair broke up in their marriage. Not that they couldn't care much but they have ways to deal with it by terminating the marriage and starting brand new life. Women nowadays even get paid more than they used to hence they could earn more than men.

However, it's also relate to the point of peer pressure whereby women nowadays being brought up in such luxurious lifestyle that it comes to their nerves. As I would like to relate back to the book that I read, more and more university student and young professional getting into escorting and call girl business. As highlighted in the book, they're doing it to get some extra money and sometimes to get the luxury of getting showered with luxury items/attention from men - it's noted that most men who using escort service or call girls agent are men with money to burn. It's an interesting point to note that the women getting into this for money while the men getting into this for attention and love. Both could get into trouble; married men get into affairs and young women trapped into cycle of vicious sexual transaction to satisfy their pleasure guilty ridden over their head.

But again, who am I to judge them? What I could see is just good business. (err...not i'm pimping nowadays. I'm still small time "machai" in this big corporation.)

Anyhow, I'm trying hard to finish this book cause it has second edition which I presume would tell more dark tragedies. I enjoy the book so far. Owh...this book written by Gerrie Lim and this book sells at Monsoon Books. You could find it here:

Happy Weekend!
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Road Trips

Thursday, April 1, 2010 Posted by Soraya Zainal 1 comments
Your Thursday girl is writing on her birthday. Say 17th Happy Birthday to me, yipppieeee yey!

Excerpt from Wikipedia:

A road trip is a journey via automobile, sometimes unplanned or impromptu, or a journey involving sporting game(s) away from home [1], thus encompassing any journey by automobile, regardless of stops en route.

My father loves driving, at least when he was younger (Now, I was his alternative driver). Every time we need to travel to Kuala Lumpur he will make sure we left early so he got enough time to drive along the kampung road; from one small town to another small town.

We usually stop at various eateries, shopped at different fruit stalls and sometimes even buying whatever odds that people sold alongside the road. I didn't enjoy it at all, thus I always... always sulked when my father wanted to have any road trips. I was restless sitting at the back of our family car and would get cranky.

I didn't get the concept of road trips until I got to be a driver myself. Owh, I still prefer the highway than the kampung road, mainly because I can push my car speed limit :P

I spend my last weekend driving up north to attend the company's annual getaway event. A road trip with three other girls. We get along splendidly, so we planned another road trip exactly one month from now... after we get our next pay check. The destination will still be up north, but we planned to go a little bit further. The hotels have been booked, so there's no bailing out now!

Surely, road trips took up more time and expenses. But, if you got the time to spend and are willing to sacrifice the luxury of airplanes or being driven in a bus or train... why not?

So, any road trip lovers out there?

P/s: I got to be in Cameron Highlands and Genting in the same week! Now, I wonder why some people called my car prebet sapu when I was in UTP?

Okay, I lied. This is a scheduled post. I am actually on leave because I don't want to wake up cursing why I need to wake up early on my birthday. I am going to spend the day with a girl friend or maybe a boy friend. Crap, I have double booked myself. If you want to know what happen on my birthday the previous years, feel free to drop by
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