Getting over you

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Posted by Dils
It's not a very good day when you wake up dreaming of your ex. Especially you dreamt that you had an affair with your ex, and  your ex died and you solely responsible for the terrible consequences afterward when everybody knew.

Understandably I woke up feeling crappy and melancholy. With this morning weather of rain and gloom, it just reflects my mood even more.

So I am gonna write about things I used to do to get over an ex in no particular idea because thinking of the sequence of events after a boy had dumped you kinda messes you up.

1. Cried while jumping up and down. Do this right after you get that terrible phone call and the guy had hang up. It kinda releases the physical tension a bit. A BIT ONLY.

2. Called back the guy demanding an explanation. Yes, you can do this. You do deserve an explanation. But usually the explanation is lame anyway. "Its me, not you". "I just wanted to be friend and I am not looking for commitment" . You'll be better off without the lame explanation.

3. Called back the guy asking to take you back. Dear. God. NO!!! This never ends well and we ALL cringed when we think about this embarrassing moment. This is when friends come in. Friends, seize your friend brokenhearted phone away. She may plead,called you a bitch, but she appreciate it later. Erm, maybe months later. And stop staring at your phone psychic-ly  wishing it would ring and the screen would displayed his name. He. Would. Never. Call. And AGAIN. Don't call him either!

4. Don't sleep and eat and just go all weepy all the time. Guarantee weight loss. Makes you more attractive to other guys who like emo thin girls. Those guys do exist. And they come bearing KFCs.

5. Went out with said above guys as ways to get over the non-numbing pain. Can even get a rebound out of it. If your rebound guy also dumped you. Too bad, you may need to go all of these processes 2 times more extreme. WHICH IS WHY YOU DON'T FALL IN LOVE WITH THE REBOUND GUY OK!

6. Delete every damn songs that remind you of him or he gave to your or he dedicated to you. No. Don't listen to it while weeping. Are you addicted to pain? You can listen to it again after a few years  had passed.

7. Change your clothes, style, hair or do anything new like start a new hobby or travel. Anything. Just do something that you think you need a new start of. Feeling like you in a rut while being depressed because the guy don't love you possibly because you are in a rut, is not good.

8. Throw away ALL he had given you. Nah. I don't do that. It's a good idea though, but I could never do it because I do appreciate the thought that he then take the time and the thoughts to buy me a gift. Well thinking about it, I did this once though in school, because he pisses me off so much when he kept on calling other girls and bragging to me about it.

9. Stop watching chic flick or reading chic lit. Time inilah you want to broaden your horizon a bit and read a classic lit or watch a cinematic masterpiece. Story about a girl who got her man, just make you want to throw the book down and kick it repeatedly or burn down the cinema house and come out from the flames ala Rose McGowan in Grindhouse Planet Terror rocking her machine gun leg. 

10. Watched porn. Ok, my friend told me this. Hey, I doubt I did this because I want to forget my ex. Ni mesti sebab ko paksa aku tengok Seriiiii. Tapi kalo maseh ingat your ex while watching porn, erm, what is wrong with you?

Also added advice:

Do stop thinking he will realize his folly and come back to you. Usually they won't. And if they ever do, it is because you had gotten over them and you suddenly become attractive to them again. And if this happened, Nah. Don't start the above process again will ya.

There maybe other ways I did to forget or get over a guy, but I may had forgot. Because I have selective memory and chose to remember only the good things. So I may even did some cripplingly embarrassing things that I chose to forget, but the above are the one that I remembered. 

It is hard getting over a break up or getting dumped. Sometimes when I did the above, I thought nothing would worked. It is true though that only time will soften the blow and heal the pain. But having a spot of fun now and then, does help to take the edge off.
  1. OMG! This entry is just SO for me. I'm trying to get over a jerk. Still.

  2. Well said Dila, well said...

    I was tempted to ask which ex did you dream about, but decided not to. hehe..

  3. Ummi
    Hope you get through it in better dignity than I did. Heh. It does sucks no matter how many people said its going to be ok.

    Heh, ni latter day punye ex. It does comes to mind, bilekah kite akan berjumpa... Hahaha

  4. last time i dreamt of my ex, i weep like small boy losing his mom. my pillow all wet. i guess, it's not worth it. but the feeling kinda soothing.

    i dunno what but somehow i couldn't be so long mad with people that i love/loved. susah kot nak marah2. hahahaha.

  5. You are a better, normal person than I am then. Hehe.

    Hari ini aku marah. Besok I am regretful. Later I will be contented and happy. Then I will be sad. Tak penah nak go through one lateral phase. Then angry again. Mesti nak jump one feeling to another.

  6. Anonymous

    that ma'am, is what we call a mood swing. normal gak la tu br2 lepas breakup jadik mood swing. hehehehe :P

    me? i didn't dream, thank god. but yeah, being bitter and all.

  7. Di manakah post hari rabu?