Food Galore

Thursday, April 29, 2010 Posted by Soraya Zainal
Okay, I need to confess something here. This is the first time since we started Multiple Eyes that I can't wait for my turn on Thursday to post something on this blog. Heh.. guess why?

Because I want all of you to salivate with me when you see this pictures :D~~~

Location: Alexis, Bangsar

My comment? Out of this world. Delicious. The meringue is not too sweet, it is just nice and completely melts in your mouth. The chocolate and fresh fruit jams between the creamy layer perfectly compliments the sweetness of the meringue. The topping of  fresh blackberry (no, not the smartphone) and strawberry, yummy! Strictly for sharing, unless you have a giant sweet tooth. My rate: 4.5/5.0

My mocktail, Pussyfoot (!!!) and clam chowder.

The mocktail is so-so. Not sweet, not sour and not that fruity even though it is a mixture of orange, lime and pineapple. Tawaq hebeh. I will stick to the usual Shirley Temple after this.

The clam chowder is a different story altogether. It is thick and creamy without being queasy, and the clams are delicious. But, we can't finish the whole bowl.. the portion is too much for our appetite. My Rate: 3.5/5.0


... and the best dish of the night, Spaghetti Carbonara.

Oooppsss.... Forgot to take the "before" pictures. Heheh :P

Spaghetti carbonara is a common dish served in almost every pasta-serving restaurant. Normally, I will not order any pasta with carbonara as too much cheese and cream will make me loya. But, this carbonara totally changed my perception on the white sauce.The bits of slightly salty beef ham really makes the cheesy and creamy taste bearable.

My Rate: 5.0/5.0

Okay, I am salivating again now.

I know I can't make a career out of food blogging because whenever I see delicious food... I can't stop and take my time to admire it. When I see good food, I will sayyy... seranngggggg!!!!

That explains why I can only show you the "after" picture of this delicious spaghetti carbonara~ How did the professional food blogger did it eh? They are capable of taking ingredients notes and took artsy pictures of the food too... huhu... Meanwhile, I stop thinking about anything when I see good food. Hahah... diet, calorie counts, what???

Location: Sushi Zanmai, One Utama

As a sushi lover, I vowed not to step into Sushi King again. Heh...

Ikura Chawanmushi

Closer look of the salmon roe... Sedap!

My compulsory dish in every Japanese restaurant. I love ikura so much that I  can't resist ordering this dish again and again on my every visit. The chawanmushi is kinda good and full with mushroom, chicken and prawn bits.

Hotate Mentayaki

Grilled scallops with herbs, golden mushroom, mentayaki (flavored cod roe @ mentaiko) and cream cheese. Berebut okeh nak makan benda ni? Sangat sedap. My Rate: 4.0/5.0.

Tuna Sashimi

Sashimi = raw fresh seafood. Not for the faint hearted as its taste was slightly off compared with salmon or cod sashimi. The fishy taste remained on our tongue after we finished eating it and no, it was not a good sign.  I would stick to my usual salmon sashimi that day if not because they already ran out of salmon that evening. Reminder for my next visit: come early!

Ika Sugatayaki

... or better known as Grill Squids. When they first served it, we asked... Ni je??? It look so plain and boring without any fancy garnishing and grill charred marks. But once it met our taste buds, I know this is a good dish. The succulent squid is not spicy, but it is sweet, salty and slightly sour from the lemon zest. My rate: 3.0/5.0.

Macha Monaka

Our desserts for the day, Green Tea and Red Bean Ice Cream. I am not a fan of both green tea and red beans, so my rate will be kinda bias. But, my friend say it taste good.. so good it is :P

Location: The Apartment, The Curve
Pavlova... again.

This pavlova was such a letdown after we experienced the pavlova at Alexis. Too sweet, too creamy and the fruit was just so-so. Canned peach. Hmm... even between 5 of us, we can't finished this desserts. My Rate: 1.5/5.0.

My Birthday Cake :P

Heheh.. tak berkaitan, but I just want to share it with you.

Half dozen of a birthday cupcakes, from my dear office mates who organized a karaoke outing to celebrate my birthday. Yummy, but I could only eat the chocolate cupcakes :P

My shared birthday cake from a surprise party by my old old friends. But, I am too full from the  previous dinner to enjoy the cheese cakes. Huhu...

I love to eat good food and I am not afraid to spend my moolah for it. I am not a conventional eater either. The more exotic and rare the food is, the more interested I am to try it.

More food review next month, after I received my next salary to be exact :P

This kind of food did come with a hefty price tag *sigh*

Happy weekends everyone! My company is taking the Friday off tomorrow, so it will be a long weekend for us. Enjoy~~~

P/s: ... but nothing can challenged home cooked meal. Owh, dapurku sudah lama tak berasap~~

P/p/s: No, I don't eat at 3 different restaurant in 1 day.
  1. Marahnyeeerrr


    Oh nnt kita gi sedang itu shogun ke ape tah kt OU... buffet japanese... around rm60-70 per kepala... makan sana ramei2...

    Ok sue sila gogenize kan (gogenize = organize diambil dari pelet Rombongan Cik Kiah ke Sukan Komanwel)

  2. heheh.. memang sedappp :P

    sile kesat air liur anda yg meleleh atas laptop tu~

    baiklah, saye akan organize trip makan2 ke Shogunbulan 5 or 6 nanti.

  3. shoot!

    i'm soo gonna try that Pavlova @Alexis since it's not too sweet.
    gonna ask my jjcm partner to join me. eheh.

    oh..teringat plak creme caramel kat Bayou, Alamanda. not too sweet and just nice. nyum~

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
  5. @kucing

    woh bayou sesedap itu ke? pnah try steak die, quite sedap... mashed potato die mmg full of win hehe...

    slack sket xbape ramai org, takut nnt diaorg bungkus je

  6. @kucing juge

    selalu gi alamanda but tak pernah try Bayou. Nanti lepas ni akan try gi sane pulak :D

  7. Unta@Jitra: gravy steak sedap tp sebab last time mintak half done, nyesal tak sudah sbb tak habis. HAHA.. :P

    Suraya: yes. yes. creme caramel dorang paling best! but, dorang buat on certain days sahaja and tak banyak.

    *okke2. x abes2 creme caramel. ngidam2. kena pegi cari neh. hohoh..

    sila ke link ini untuk sedikit preview makanan mereka. :P

  8. alamak, nyesal bace entry ni sebelum makan. laparrrr~~!!!