#006 - Different

Monday, April 26, 2010 Posted by Unta@Jitra
Monday oredi gosh!

Today I want to open the 'pekung didada' by sharing one of my good (or bad) traits. Nope it is not something dirty or anything (save it for later), but I guess maybe there were others out there who are pretty much like me.

I like to be different. Well, most of the time.

Somehow, agreeing to an opposite and popular view makes my brain working. Instead of blindly following a popular trend, for example, I like to choose a different, less popular, underdog choice. For example, the Iphone trend. If let say I have like RM3000 at my disposal, and I really need to switch to a new smartphone, I tend to look for a different phone that can beat Iphone (which is quite hard really).

I'll try to justify to myself, what are the strong points in making such decision. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is an exercise for my brain, which I like.

Going against popular trend has the downs as well. What makes a trend popular? What makes DSLR so popular today, even skolah rendah kids have one? Well for one thing, it is superior, easy, cheap, low maintenance etc. So going against a popular trend is not always good.

But the challenge there, of course, is to beat the odds. The feeling when you can somehow say to the DSLR fan, "my camera can fit in my pocket" is euphoric. Or my phone can do this while your popular phone can't, or my underdog team can beat your filthy rich club (EPL).

In other words, trolling fanboys is exciting :D

In real world, the popular choices are everywhere. You and including myself have already made at least one popular choice in our lifetime, whether we realize it or not. That includes our political view, our mode of transportation, our fast food joints, our choice of music / bands / singer, almost everything. But somehow, being different in at least one, is interesting.

Ramly beef patty is still my favorite, no matter how famous it is.
  1. hehe i want to be different, but i must say i ended up following the trend most of the time. in my case unique sikit la tapi sbb i only buy things jika ianya berwarna pink. maka disebabkan iphone tiada kaler pink, i dont own an iphone. kihkih boleh ke cmtu?

  2. yeay! sy sama macam Nia. pink likey likey! sep Nia sep! :D

    in my case, i won't wear shoes that are the same with other people at my workplace. if people started to wear the same thing, i'll choose something else. that's why i need lotsa shoes. :P
    or handbags. or baju kurung. or accessories. *alasan2* HAHA..

    tapi ade jugak kdg2 tersama dgn org. sigh.

  3. sometimes, i do forget about the girl readers hahaha sorry gals


    because being a poor guy, i dont care much about fashion

    Fashion ni lain sket sebab most of us try to wear different2 sebab nnt dikatakan kembar or boria (org utara kata)... but sometimes, pakai baju yg sama is considered wise, contoh mcm gi sukaneka, uniform, tgk bola etc

    tp kalo casual dress tu, kalo terserempak dgn org yg pakai sama, tambah2 lg dalam lrt, lift, etc... awkwarddddd hahahaa

  4. yoda (eceh selambe cakap macam kenal): not necessarily clothes pun yg berwarna pink. it includes laptop, handphones, mouse, external harddisk dan kalau boleh semua nya lah nak cari yg kaler pink. which of course makes it easier for our partner la. buy anything pink, and we'll be happy. heheh :D