I hate telemarketing...

Thursday, April 22, 2010 Posted by Anonymous
Yeah yeah I know I'm late sending this entry. Reason being I am busy and was out to customer's office. As a compensation, here's a picture of a blondie for you to fap. HAHAHAHA.

And you know what's irritating? Or if translated - "perkara yang menjengkelkan" - ok itu dah bunyik macam blog Effi. When you're busy with meeting and works and whatnot.. suddenly your phone ringing and...

"Encik, kami dari insurans company bla bla bla bla nak bincang sedikit dengan encik. Boleh bagi saya masa dalam 3 ke 5 minit?"

Okay, an insurance company called you. So you must think that there's something wrong with your insurance, right? At my side, I was thinking that something is wrong with my car insurance.


They are those telemarketing girls who's responsibility was to sell you MORE insurance than needed. Suddenly they will talk as fast as they could like speed reading from a book - where you can't even make out what the fuck they're talking about. Worst, they don't even stop when you wanted to say something. *sigh*

Only after they finished their sales pitch, then you can talk and say no. But again, you will be asked why and whatnot and they will counter every arguments you give. FFFFFFF!!!

When I asked where do they get my number, they said that it's a selected offer from Mastercard and Visa holder. I countered with the facts that it's wrong to get the information without my permission (because I know that I do not send any request to the insurance company - not my number, of course). But she countered it again with "you need all the insurance or you'll die miserably etc2..". I've got to say "yada yada yada" to make that bitch stop talking and hang up. 

No, really. I did say "yada yada yada". Luckily tak keluar "poookey muck" je time tu...

I think that telemarketing is not that effective as of previously. Now, people are getting busier and they wanted information that is only worthy at that point of time. Calling people while they're working asking if they wanted to buy some policy is a sure way to be rejected. Come on... I have Internets and whatnot to research about the things I need. I don't need you to call and bug me. That's so fucked up. 

I understand that the girl is just doing her job, but seriously... I think nowadays people are getting dirtier in doing businesses. Stop telemarketing please. Go online instead. Less resources, less rejections, less costs compared to calling people. I bet that girl doesn't like the job of calling and bugging people too.. but.. yeah.. work is work. 


What say you about telemarketing?

P/s: La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la. What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Corporal, huh?
  1. I understand that the girl is just doing 'his' job --> ok sorry mata saya mmg sudah trained untuk nampak mende2 cmni..

    hmm.. ye, baru minggu lepas org insuran tu call dan tidak mahu berhenti bercakap. huhuhu.. alasan untuk reject polisi "xleh, suami saye tak izinkan"

    yay dah boleh bagi alasan camtu! hehe

  2. Anonymous

    nia: fix'd. :P ciss kamu leh bg alasan camtu dh skang! i taleh lg... uuuuu