Mixed Signal

Thursday, April 22, 2010 Posted by Soraya Zainal
This post is going to be short as I am currently on MC.. due to extreme coughing and sore throat. Every time I cough, I feel like crying... isk... Sampai sakit dada woo batuk teruk ni.. isk...


Why do men always give mixed signal?

This is a general question. I have been getting those mixed signal from men since I first start dating. As quite a lurus bendul girl who can't really understand the meaning of these signals, I get very frustrated most of the times.

Some day, he will be very caring and makes me feel like I am the centre of his attention.

Some day, he can't let go of his phone and keep on smsing and calling me all day long.

Some day, he totally forgot about me. Hmmmpphhh....

Die tengah busy tu, sampai lupa aku... 3 hari terlupa nak check handphone.

I think this song describes what I feel right now and I really wish I have the gut to kick his ass as what Miss Katy did.

Okay, back to my bed... enjoying my last day of MC :(

P/s: Jangan ingat perempuan je ade PMS, lelaki pun ada jugak rupenye,,,,
  1. mungkinkan itu signal untuk berhenti merokok? (referring to the coughing)

  2. hoh... saye tak merokok lah!!!


  3. eh salaahhh!! ingatkan rere (adeq) punye post!! sorry sorry sorry!! tak perasan sorry!! salah orang! alamak malunyer~~

  4. Anonymous

    WAHAHAHAHAHAHA. apekahhhh niaa???? LOLOLOL.

  5. ciss diamlah rere~!
    *cover malu*

    Su, sorry!!