Lagenda Budak Setan

Thursday, April 8, 2010 Posted by Soraya Zainal
Okay, tell me something 80s babies... Please raise your hand if you never ever read even one of Ahadiat's novel?

The first novel I ever read is "Sepasang Jeans Biru" when I was 11 or 12.  After years being shoved with Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys, Ahadiat really opened my eyes on novels and make me realized there was a teenage life outside my small hometown. Heheh.. yes, I was and still am a small town girl whose idea of socializing was hanging out the A&W drinking root beer float :P

From that moment on, I continued reading his books until a few years ago. The last book I read was Untuk Tiga Hari. I have all his books, from Hikayat Cinderella, Sekuntum Bunga, Sekeping Card, Seraut Cinta  to the thick Pilot Cafe that was co-author with Zuraidah Othman. But, the most memorable books was this Lagenda Budak Setan.

What I love about his novels are its sempoi style and how close I can relate it with reality. The dialog used what not the overly sasterawan and the potrayal of life is not as ideal as what we can read from other novel. I hate blind idealism that most Malay novelist loves... While being far from being nominated as a literature masterpiece, his novel really capture the young teenagers attention.

I used to read this book when I was in boarding school. A religious boarding school that prohibit all sorts of fiction novels. Yelah.. lagha kan? Heheh... So, I wrapped this as-thick-as-a-dictionary novel with a plain white paper and write a new title... "KAMUS PELAJAR". Haha.. I survived all spot check!

Now, this legendary novel will be made into film and I really looking forward to watch it on the big screen. I fell in love with the trailer and officially declared that Lagenda Budak Setan will on my summer movie list alongside Eclipse & Harry Potter.

As much as I love adaptation film, I still hope that this film will not kill the "drama" that I have conjured in my imagination all these years. Same with all other film adaptation, I know it is hard to re-create the scene that was playing on the mind of the loyal reader. Slight changes will be welcomed with uproar :P

Farid Kamil ftw! I think both the trailer and the theme song are beautiful... Hahahaha... Okay, mari tutup mata tahan kutukan Adek, Yoda & Dueng. Dils, I hope you are on my side >.<

What is your favourite Ahadiat Akashah novel?

P/s: I am in the midst of re-reading the Lagenda Budak Setan again. Syuh syuh away Edward Cullen.. please make way to Kasyah, si pencinta agung...

I haven't posted any girly stuff yet, right? I wonder why I got all skema whenever I was drafting post for this blog. Where did my purplish pink inner self go? Hmm. Maybe I have left it at ?
  1. This comment has been removed by the author.
  2. honestly does one movie enough to cover all chapter in the book?

    I saw the trailer and ask : jadah nyer kasyah jadi pelukis dok utan -_-" mana fesco? mana adegan ketika kasyah tidak sengaja menganjingkan ayu ketika kutipan derma? dimana ayat "i fall in love once, and it will be forever"? mana katerina? dimana medal hati ketika sekolah?

    rawr! dan lisa suriani dibedah jadi fazura? -__-"

    i dont put much expectation on this movie. sigh

  3. en munir, memanglah tak cukup.. novel tu adelah 3 inci tebal die kalau nk wat setiap scene sampai Kasyah: Lagenda berakhir mau berakar bontot dok dalam wayang. Hahaha

    fresno, bukan fesco -_-"

    kasya dok tepi laut kampung nelayan tu mase ayu tinggal die.. die booking chalet bape bulan sampai suzana tu datang pujuk die balik KL.

    medal hati tu semua mungkin mase movie lah kot.. tak nama trailer kalau semua dah tayang.

    fazura okay what? takkan lisa surihani dibedah jadi lisa surihani semula? hahaha

    okay, just hope for the best~

  4. sabo munir lol

    Aku jatuh hati kt pair Lisa + Farid dlm cite I'm not Single... tp diaorg dh jadi cam zaman Awie/Erra/Ziana Zain dh... semua muvi baru ade muka diaorg, so... dah tabest

    maybe my Mrs akan ajak tgk cite ni... well... layan je laa.. xpon tdo... tempat ekon sejuk best tdo

  5. roar! emo ah! umpama cam cite harry potter yang dipotong-potong.

    neway typo fesco - nama event utp :P

  6. aku ada novel ni kat rumah (kampung)! hehehe :D

  7. damn, I have no idea what this is about. Prolly sebab I try reading Ahadiat Akashah and I hate it. Mostly I hate the plots after reading several of the books. Tapi writing die memang sempoi. I think die yang popularkan writing buku sebegitu kut ?

    Doubt will be waiting since memang tak penah baca Lagenda Budak Seta tapi mungkin di suatu hari raya aku akan layan jugak. Haha.

  8. okay.. tak boleh kawan dengan dils :(

  9. aku start baca sebab ada sorg budak smap labu berkata begini.

    "buku ini kena baca, macho bak!"

    so aku pon baca

  10. Anonymous


    sue, salah member la nak buat side. aku penah baca Lagenda Budak Setan dgn Katerina.


    tp tak smpi jadik cam wekap la tibe2 nanges. HA HA HA.

  11. sue aku leh geng ko :P
    aku takde byk novel dia, sbb mostly baca pinjam2 kawan punye. but i hate it bile org pinjam buku kita, jadi hancur bile dpt balik..sedih T_T
    Sekuntum Bunga, Sekeping Card, Seraut Cinta aku siap masuk swimming pool ah malas nak kenang. Dah la buku favorite.
    LBS ni aku kena 'study' balik. Storyline pon dah kabur2.

  12. Pilot cafe bessss buku die tebal jugak kan? susah nak ingat cerite die psl ape but i remember its a good book.

    my 1st ahadiat akashah novel is si lembik. tu pon lepas tgk drama tv3 'si lembut' terus beli.

    den ade collection sampai 20++. Katerina one of my fav, and cinderella2 tu.

    Lagenda Budak Setan baca masa kt MRSM tapi tapi dh lupe lah adoi

    tapi tengok trailer ni, tak saba nak tengok balikkk lagi2 ada Fazura

    bile ni kelua cite niiii uuuuu

  13. i love the book and i love the story. syahdu kot baca legenda budak setan. hahahahaha.

  14. saya juga tak sabar menunggu movie ini!! I dont care if i have to heret my hubby to watch it. Suami saya tak bace ahadiat akashah. Grrrr~~